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Listening Garden

welcome collage listening garden


Central to any conversation we have with others is the ability to listen and listen well. This garden space exhorts us to make the time to listen and to practice this skill in community with those around us.

Through evocative plantings, appealing seating arrangements and invitational language, we are called to step out of our comfort zone to make meaningful connections with others. The depth of that conversation or dialogue in large part depends on our willingness and skill to make room to listen.

Part of the process of listening also involves listening carefully to yourself, to spend the time and have the confidence to listen to and nurture your own hopes and wishes and dreams. No doubt, that self understanding, guided by listening to yourself, will also deepen the way you communicate with those around you as well as enrich your own life path.

This Garden also asks us to actively listen to nature. What lessons for our lives can we learn from listening to the cycles and rhythms of nature? What can we do to slow down and fully embrace the beauty and simplicity of nature? Nature itself can give us answers by causing us to pause and become lifted up by our surroundings.  


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