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How do I join a club?

Joining a club is very easy, and there are a number of ways to do so. TerpLink is our student organization database that keeps updated information of every registered organization’s officers and advisor. You can also search for organizations with keywords that fit your specific interests. Once you find an organization that you are interested in, simply request to join the group on TerpLink, or message the President/Treasurer/Organization email and ask how you can join, or when their next meeting is.


Two other great opportunities to find an organization are First Look Fair and Second Look Fair, which are involvement fairs at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters where hundreds of our registered orgs participate to recruit new members.


Lastly, you can always visit the Student Involvement Suite, talk to one of our student staff members about their experiences, or just pop into a meeting happening in the Suite at any time! Our TVs are constantly scrolling through advertisements for our organizations and inside the suite, a large screen shows every organization that has scheduled an event or meeting in the Suite for that day.



How do I start a new organization?

All information related to how to create or renew an organization's registration can be found here.



How can I get involved with First Look Fair?

Registration to have a table at First Look Fair usually opens at the beginning of August. Anyone is welcome to attend First Look Fair and walk through the tables and find ways to get involved on campus. If you miss First Look Fair in the fall or just want to find more ways to get involved, stop by Second Look Fair in the spring!



How do I apply for funding?

Questions relating to how to apply for funding can be answered on the SGA Finance Committee's website. Questions relating to how to expend funds once they have been approved by the SGA can be directed to

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