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Student organizations at the University of Maryland serve a valuable educational function by offering students the opportunity to join together in cultural, governmental, art, recreational, political, and/or special interest groups. Student organizations also offer students opportunities to serve in leadership roles and afford unique educational experiences outside the classroom. Finally, student organizations contribute to the diversity and range of activities and perspectives on campus, enriching the overall academic environment. 

The Student Organization Resource Center runs the annual registration process for undergraduate and graduate student organizations in addition to registering new groups. This process is separate from the SGA-recognized funding registration, although having an updated registration with SORC is a requirement to become SGA-recognized. Contact for more information on becoming SGA Recognized.

The tabs on the left menu bar on this page will give you all of the information that you need to know about the requirements to be registered with the university and a step-by-step process on how to register or renew your organization.

Spring 2025 Registration Opens: Monday, March 10, 2025 | 8:00 AM EST | On TerpLink

Spring 2025 Registration Closes: Thursday, May 8, 2025 | 11:45 PM EST | On TerpLink


Registration Guide: For Student Organization

This is a reference guide for student organization leadership, faculty/staff advisors, and campus partners. It is not meant to be read cover to cover. We wrote it to advise and guide you on whichever challenge, or question you are facing right now with the registration process.

This guide includes more than just general information about the registration process, but includes timelines, step-by-step instructions, personalized checklists and frequently asked questions.

All student organizations are at a different state in their journey. Your organization may feel more confident about some parts of registration more than others. So find the section that has the answers you need to successfully complete, submit, and reach approval for your registration.

As you leverage this guide, keep in mind that the quality of your registration, attention to detail, and the intentional time spent are some of the biggest factors to help your organization reach approval.

Need further support registering? Check out our Registration FAQ Sheet. You can also email, stop by the Student Involvement Suite, use our Live Chat, or call us at (301) 314-7158 with any questions you may have. Staff will walk you through the registration process and be able to answer your questions.

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