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Information for Faculty and Staff



The Office of Immigrant and Undocumented Student Life offers UndocuTraining during the academic year for faculty and staff. If you would like to be added to the waitlist or request a departmental training please email us at 

1. Do not inquire about a student's immigration status.

Students may have legitimate fears about disclosing this information. Educators and other personnel should not make assumptions about students’ immigration status. Remind students that your role as a staff or administrator is to help and support them and that their personal information and records fall under federal law FERPA guidelines. You can share more information about FERPA or share this website with them: Student Privacy (FERPA explained).

2. Convey openness and assurance of confidentiality.

If a student chooses to disclose their immigration status, conveying openness and confidentiality provides reassurance of safety to the student. Refrain from asking students questions about immigration and paths to citizenship. 

3. Consider establishing welcoming spaces.

While respecting student privacy, ensure that your undocumented students have the opportunity to learn and engage with their peers without fear or intimidation.

4. Use inclusive language.

Language such as “undocumented student” “undocumented immigrant” “people without documents,” or “people without legal status.” The term “illegal alien” is derogatory and dehumanizing and will make students feel unwelcome.

5. Learn the facts.

For instance, every academic year, 454,000 undocumented students graduate from high school in the United States. Currently, around 5%-10% of these 454,000 high school graduates move on to a higher education institution. There are 16,000 undocumented students in Maryland. Maryland allows undocumented students to pay in-state tuition under certain conditions.

Read more about Undocumented Students in Higher Education, the Maryland Dream Act, and the Maryland Student Financial Aid Application.

6. Be sensitive to the limits that undocumented students face.

If discussing immigration in your classroom activities and discussions, be aware and sensitive to the limits that undocumented people face.

Additionally, consider the fact that not every student is eligible to register to vote, travel out of the country, or feel comfortable discussing their family’s migration story.

7. Donate.

 Donating to the Terp Dream Crisis Fund that helps support undocumented student on campus.

Terminology for Educators and Service Providers on Immigration, Identity, and Education

To view a list of commonly used terms in the immigration space please download this PDF sheet here. 

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