Please be advised, when applying for a student position your application is only for the job you have applied for. The only units hiring in Stamp will place job postings on the UHR Student Employment JOb Board website (via WorkDay). If no positions are listed under STAMP, that means that we are not currently hiring for any student job positions.
Note: Each Stamp office has its own hiring manager and hiring procedures. For questions directly related to the position you applied for, please contact the individual department directly.
The Adele H. Stamp Student Union employs approximately 20-25 Graduate Assistants each year, primarily Graduate Administrative Assistants (not Teaching Assistants or Research Assistants). When Stamp seeks to hire a Graduate Assistant, we post the positions at the University of Maryland's employment WorkDay website: https://uhr.umd.edu/work-at-umd/student-employment
While we do not have many, we occasionally have hourly positions available for graduate students. Graduate hourly positions at Stamp can be found at the above website.
The Adele H. Stamp Student Union has approximately 100 full-time staff members working in 12 units. When we have full-time positions available, we post them on the University of Maryland's employment WorkDay website: https://umd.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UMCP
To find out more about Stamp's employment structure, an overview of our organizational chart is available for view here (for more detailed information, please email StampHR@umd.edu).
Click here to see how STAMP recognizes its employees and how staff members can recognize fellow employees on a job well done!