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The MVP Learning Outcomes



A student learning outcome is defined in terms of particular levels of knowledge, skills and abilities that a student has attained at the end or as a result of his or her particular set of collegiate experiences.  University faculty and researchers have identified seven broad categories of outcomes that students can acquire through their learning experiences. They are

Cognitive Complexity
Development of critical thinking, reflective thinking, effective reasoning, intellectual flexibility, emotion/cognition integration, identity/cognition integration.

  • Experiences for Learning: Classroom teaching, readings and discussions; campus speakers; problem based learning; action research; study abroad; learning communities; living learning communities; campus newspaper and media; cultural advocacy groups; LGBT awareness programs; diversity programs; group work in diverse teams; judicial board involvement.
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Cognitive development, identity development, interpersonal sensitivity, neurolinguistics, epistemology, reflective judgment, consciousness, pedagogy

Understanding and appreciation of human differences; cultural competency; social responsibility.

  • Experiences for Learning: Diverse membership of student organizations; inter-group dialogue programs; service learning; community based learning; cultural festivals; identity group programming (e.g. LGBT); ally programs; programs on world religions; study abroad; interdisciplinary courses; curriculum transformation.
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Racial identity development, multicultural competence, sexual/gender/affectational identity development; campus climate; reflective judgment, orders of consciousness, moral development, cognitive development

Civic Engagement: 
Sense of civic responsibility; commitment to public life through communities of practice; engage in principled dissent; effective leadership.

  • Experiences for Learners: Involvement in student organizations; service learning; various student governance groups like student government/residence hall government/commuter student association; sports teams; community based organizations (e.g. PTA, neighborhood coalitions); emerging leader programs; leadership courses; open forums; teach-ins; activism and protest; community standard codes; judicial boards; involvement in academic department/major; identity with campus community.
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Leadership theory, socio-political theory, community development, group dynamics, organizational development and change theory, moral development, orders of consciousness

Knowledge Acquisition: 
Understanding knowledge in a range of disciplines (acquisition); connecting knowledge to other knowledge, ideas, experiences (integration); relate knowledge to daily life (application); pursuit of lifelong learning; career decidedness; technological competence

  • Experience for Learners: Majors, minors, general education requirements, certificate programs; laboratories; action research; research teams; service learning; group projects; internships; jobs (on/off campus); career development courses and programs; living learning communities; We-based information search skills; activities programming boards (e.g. film concerts); drama, arts, and music groups; literary magazines; special teams and activities (e.g. solar car, Model UN)
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Experiential learning, cognitive development, identity development, interpersonal sensitivity, neurolinguistics, epistemology, learning theory; career development.

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competence: 
Realistic self appraisal and self understanding; personal attributes such as identity, self esteem, confidence, ethics and integrity, spiritual awareness, personal goal setting; meaningful relationships; interdependence; collaboration; ability to work with people different from self.

  • Experiences for Learners: Identity based affinity groups; personal counseling; academic/life planning; roommate dialogues; individual advising; support groups; peer mentor programs; religious life programs and youth groups; student led judicial boards; paraprofessional roles (e.g. resident assistants, peer tutors, sexual assault advisors, peer mentor programs); disability support services; student employment; classroom project groups; classroom discussions
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Psychosocial theory; identity development; interpersonal sensitivity; multiple intelligences; spiritual development, moral and ethical development

Practical Competence:  
Effective communication; capacity to manage one’s affairs; economic self-sufficiency and vocational competence; maintain health and wellness; prioritize leisure pursuits; living a purposeful and satisfying life

  • Experiences for Learners:  Campus recreation programs; food service and health center programs; drug and alcohol education; career development courses and programs; financial planning programs; club sports and recreation programs; senior council transition programs; personal counseling academic/personal advising; portfolios; senior capstone course
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Psychosocial theory; self efficacy; career development; spiritual development; self authorship

Persistence and Academic Achievement: 
Manage college experience to achieve academic and personal success; academic goal success including degree attainment

  • Experiences for Learners: Learning skills; bridge programs; peer mentoring; faculty and staff mentoring; supplemental instruction-tutoring; orientation programs; academic advising; financial aid; disability support services; parents’ programs; child care services
  • Bodies of Knowledge for Educators: Retention theory, Person-environment fit, socialization, family systems                             

                    Taken from “Learning Reconsidered: A Campus-Wide Focus on The Student Experience”          

The MVP has the potential to impact students within each of the categories of student outcomes identified in the NASPA publication “Learning Reconsidered.”  The MVP’s eight programmatic categories are:

  • Scholarship
  • Organizational Development
  • Personal Development
  • Identity Development
  • Community Development
  • Community Service Learning
  • Leadership Development
  • Cross Cultural Involvement

 Intended potential learning outcomes from the MVP are:

 Scholarship Learning Outcomes

(Persistence and academic achievement)

  • Manage college experience to achieve academic success
  • Balance demands of classroom and out of classroom activities
  • Explain and understand the importance of academic achievement

Organizational Development Learning Outcomes

(Civic Engagement)

  • Apply skills learned in student group to future group activity involvement
  • Engage in democratic process
  • Ability to work with persons different from themselves

Personal Development Learning Outcomes

(Practical Competence and Interpersonal Intrapersonal Competence)

  • Apply wellness model to practical life skills
  • Recognize the importance of career and personal development
  • Identify personal core values
  • Develop meaningful relationships

Identity Development Learning Outcomes

(Cognitive Complexity)

  • Critically examine and evaluate one’s racial/cultural identity
  • Understand and appreciate the complexity of racial/cultural identity
  • Compare and contrast similarities and differences of racial/cultural sub-groups

Community Development Learning Outcomes

(Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement)

  • Understand the importance of communal and social responsibility
  • Manage and balance group and individual differences
  • Reflect and analyze the concept of community

Community Service/Learning Learning Outcomes

(Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement)

  • Develop sense of civic responsibility
  • Contribute to a diverse world
  • Apply academic knowledge in addressing societal issues

Leadership Development Learning Outcomes

(Practical Competence)

  • Apply their leadership with or without a formal position
  • Understand leadership theories and styles from diverse communities and perspectives
  • Formulate programmatic agendas

Cross Cultural Involvement Learning Outcomes

(Cognitive Complexity & Humanitarianism)

  • Attain cultural competence
  • Recognize and understand the importance of diversity and multiculturalism
  • Question their own assumptions about group and individual identity

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1120 Stamp Student Union

Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM

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