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Student Resources


Guidance, Direction, and Assistance

Latine Student Organizations
Academic Resources 
Campus Resources 
Faculty, Graduate Students, and Staff Resources



For a home away from home and support from students just like you, Latine student organizations are the places to go and become involved in. From groups that plan campus wide events and advocate for community wide issues to Greek organizations, chance are you will find something you like in one of these organizations. In this handbook, you will find general descriptions and contact information for the Latine organizations on campus. We invite you to participate in as many as you want and connect with fellow Latine students.

Charles R. Drew Pre-Medicine Society
The Charles R. Drew Pre-Medicine Society at the Univeristy of Maryland at College Park was established as an attempt to provide fundamental information about how to approach the rigorous pre-medicine academic course requirements, the medical school application process, and admission procedures in hope to produce successful medical school applicants. In addition to serving all UMCP students, we especially serve minority students because they lack access to information about how the system works.

Latin MBA Association
The goal is to represent Latine MBA students and share our culture and heritage with the rest of our cohort to promote the importance of diversity and inclusion in society. Our vision is to be a platform of people that help the entire Smith community reach goals. We are beyond our association. We celebrate diversity and practice inclusion, being a club that welcome people from different communities to learn, enjoy and grow.

La Voz Latina
This newspaper is committed to providing the Latino/a students a representative and informative voice among all other publications on campus. The editorial board welcomes contributors throughout the year, regardless of personal identity. La Voz Latina has recently become an SGA member to ensure its commitment to providing the Latino students’ voices a publication on campus. The paper welcomes everyone regardless of personal identity.

The Latino/a Graduate Student Association (LGSA)
LGSA’s mission is to provide a community of incoming and continuing Latino/a graduate students on our campus by offering support and mentorship, institutional and community outreach, and academic and professional development. The purpose of LGSA is to promote and encourage the persistence, as well as, graduation of Latino/a graduate students at the University of Maryland.

Latino Honors Caucus
The aims of the Latino Honors Caucus include unity and networking among Latino Honors students and those interested in learning about the Latino culture, encouragement of Latinos to enter the honors Program, and service to the surrounding community.


The University of Maryland Latina/o Alumni Network (LAN, charter in process)
LAN’s purpose is that of promoting the interests and welfare of the University through the advancement of the interests and welfare of its Latino/a alumni. To support and learn more about this initiative contact


While there are several things that the University of Maryland offers, we need to remember that the primary reason we are here is to improve ourselves academically and prepare for the future. With this in mind, the University has several on-campus tutoring and academic aid Programs and offices that are willing to help you with the material you will be learning in your course work. Feel free to contact the offices listed for further information.



Learning Assistance Service 
2201 Shoemaker Building 301.314.7693
LAS offers individualized Programs in: exam skills, spelling, time management, textbook comprehension, listening and note-taking, math learning skills, vocabulary, science learning skills, writing skills, grammar skills, and speed reading.

Math Success Program 
0102 Easton Hall and Stamp Student Union 301.314.6284
The Math Success Program is an undergraduate peer math coaching Program coordinated by Residence Life. Free tutoring in math, specifically focused on Math 001, 002, 113 and 115, is available in the Easton Hall Recreation Room.

Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE)
1101 Hornbake Library, South Wing 301.405.5616
OMSE offers you the opportunity to participate in a vast array of academic and professional Programs on campus. OMSE offers free walk-in tutoring for the most requested undergraduate courses; it collaborates with the Mathematics Department in coordinating the math review sessions and hourly exam reviews every semester. You may also form your own study group and work there with a tutor or use the computer lab. OMSE offers a college success prep Program, and a peer-mentoring Program for our diverse campus population.

The Writing Center
0125 Taliaferro Hall 301.405.3785
Writing Center offers trained tutors to help you improve your writing. A tutor will work with you to clarify an assignment, explore ideas and topics, plan and organize your paper, determine strategies for revision, correct grammatical problems, and ease writing anxieties. 


Faculty and Staff Association Founding Committee
A small group of staff members have banded together to establish a Latina/o Faculty and Staff Association (LFSA) at Maryland. If you are interested in serving as a member on the LFSA Founding Committee, please contact Yvette Lerma,, (301) 314-5822. The Founding Committee will meet on a periodic basis to discuss and plan the association's mission, goals and constitution.
LinkedIn Group at

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The University of Maryland also has several on-campus support services that reach out to students to provide them with a supportive environment that will help them to excel academically and socially. The organizations and offices listed in this handbook will provide you with opportunities to participate in community service projects, academic Programs, and social events, as well as receive academic and health care assistance. If any of these resources interest you, we encourage you to contact them for more information.

Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering
1134 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Bldg #088 301.405.3878
Established in 1981 as a unit within the School of Engineering, the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering provides academic support services and outreach Programs designed to recruit, retain, and graduate African American, Hispanic American, and Native American engineering students. For more information contact LaWanda S. Kamalidiin, Assistant Director at

Charles R. Drew Pre-Medicine Society
The Charles R. Drew Pre-Medicine Society at the Univeristy of Maryland at College Park was established as an attempt to provide fundamental information about how to approach the rigorous pre-medicine academic course requirements, the medical school application process, and admission procedures in hope to produce successful medical school applicants. In addition to serving all UMCP students, we especially serve minority students because they lack access to information about how the system works.

The Community Outreach Program of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese
2215 Jiménez Hall 301.405.6441
The purpose of the Community Outreach Program is to inform and attract U.S. Latinos in the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to our campus. The initiative has a continuous working relationship with students & parents, in schools in the area, via a variety of Programs. At the University of Maryland we have many native speakers that have been instrumental in the establishment of Heritage Language Courses, U.S. Latino/a Literature and Service Learning component.

Hillel at The University of Maryland
7612 Mowatt Lane 301.422.6200
University of Maryland Hillel serves one of the largest and most dynamic Jewish campus communities in the country. Hillel sponsors a diverse and exciting array of activities throughout the school year, including social, cultural, religious and educational Programs. Whether it is a briefing from the Israeli Embassy, a student BBE with a reggae band, a free Shabbat dinner for 1000 plus students, a Jewish acapella group performing at the White House, or a dinner discussion on Jewish ethics, Jewish students utilize Hillel as their own center for the community. Hillel staff and resources are available to all UMD students, faculty, staff and community members regardless of affiliation or commitment. Hillel is committed to supporting a vibrant Jewish community that provides opportunities for diverse forms of Jewish expression.

La Familia
Established in 2000, this Program assists first-year Latino/a students with their college transition by providing one-on-one guidance and support through the use of peer mentors. It incorporates a network of Latino/a student organizations to provide a wide range of activities and create a sense of community for first year students. Through La Familia, Latino/a students will have a foundation of role models encouraging them to succeed in their college education.

Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research
2100D McKeldin Library 301.314.6786
Students spend four to six hours a week working with or under the direction of a faculty mentor on that faculty member’s own research and receive an Undergraduate Research Assistant notation.

Off Campus Student Involvement
0110 Adele H. Stamp Student Union 301.405.0986
Off-Campus Student Involvement (OCSI) provides services to support and enhance the educational experience of ALL students who live off-campus. This is achieved through social, educational, informational, and developmental Programs to help students get connected to campus, discover involvement and leadership opportunities, and learn more about campus life. To learn more about services, Programs, and events on campus and in the area, subscribe to the Commuter Student Listserv. To subscribe, email:

Office of Diversity & Inclusion 
1130 Shriver Laboratory 301.405.2838
The office provides leadership on issues dealing with sexual harassment, affirmative action, recruitment, retention, race relations, conflict management, teaching effectiveness and organizational development to the entire University community. Check their Words of Engagement Program! For more information contact Mark G. Brimhall, Assistant Director at

Office of Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy
1120 Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life 301.314.8600
MICA stands firmly in their role to empower students through education on issues of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion and their intersections. In support of the campus’ commitment to diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice, they advance a purposeful campus climate that capitalizes on the educational benefits of diversity, through student-centered advising, advocacy, Programs, research, and practices. For more information contact Yvette Lerma, Coordinator for Latina/o Student Involvement & Advocacy at

Robert H. Smith School of Business Student Activities
Appointments are required. Interested in applying or learning about the Business School? Contact April N. Hamilton, Assistant Director and Student Activities Coordinator to guide you on the process of applying and the various requirements for admission. She is located at1570 Van Munching Hall. Contact email:

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS Chapter)
To increase the presence of Latinos and Native Americans in the science, by providing mentorship at different academic levels, networking and a support group for Latino graduate students who are pursuing post graduate degrees in the science as well as to recruit more Latino undergraduates to pursue post graduate degrees and careers in the science. Faculty Advisor: Edgar Moctezuma,

University Career Center & President's Promise
3100 Hornbake Library 301.314.7255
The University Career Center (UCC) serves as a world class career and experiential learning center that teaches individuals to understand and use the career development process as they seek local, national, and global employment opportunities. Contact: Pamela Allen, Program Director at

University Health Center
Campus Drive (across from Stamp Student Union) 301.314.8180
Appointments are required. Call 301.314.8184 for an appointment. Urgent Care services are available without an appointment for evaluation of urgent medical problems. There is a fee for service. A free After Hours NurseLine is available when the Health Center is closed. Please have your University ID Number (UID) ready! For more information contact Julia Matute, Coordinator for Marketing Services at or 3104 Health Center, 301.314.8103.

The President's Promise
3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing
Through the President's Promise, each student has the chance to engage in a special experience and offers the opportunity for extraordinary personal growth.  Some students achieve this growth through hands-on research, study abroad, or internships in the public and private sectors.  Others take on leadership roles or find fulfillment in community service Programs. President's Promise staff is available to help students navigate through all options to select the best opportunities. In addition, dedicated faculty and staff are also available to help students chart a course to enhance their academic experience.



There are many Latino/a faculty, staff, graduate students and community partners who will appreciate your visit regardless of the position or office they are in. The following are just a few of the people on campus who are committed to your success. We have also listed their area of expertise to connect with them if you are pursuing a similar field. These individuals would be great mentors, friends, and colleagues. We encourage you to contact them.


Josh Alvarez
Area of Focus: Higher Education
Graduate Assistant
Residential Life
2100 Annapolis Hall

Dora Elías McAllister
Area of Focus: Higher Education
Doctoral Student
Higher Education Program

L. Angelo Gomez
Area of Focus: Counselor Education
Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education
1100 Hornbake Library

Maritza González
Area of Focus: International Education
Office of Recruitment, Retention & Diversity
2107 Lee Building

Amilcar Guzman
Area of Focus: Higher Education 
Campus Programs America Reads*America Counts 
0144 Holzapfel Hall

Robb Hernández
Area of Focus: Museums and Institutions
Department of American Studies
1102 Holzapfel Hall

Richard Medellin
Area of Focus: Chemical Science
College of Chemical & Life Sciences
1300 Symons Hall

Ernesto Muñoz
Area of Focus: Meteorology
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
2207 Computer & Space Sciences
301.405.0050 x42627

Ana Perez
Area of Focus: Women’s Studies
Women's Studies
2101 Woods Hall

Cristina Risco
Area of Focus: Psychology
Counseling Center
0104 Shoemaker Building
phone: +1 301 314 7692

Marcia Bebianno Simoes
Area of Focus: Anthropology
Latin American Studies Center 
0128B Holzapfel Hall

Tony Tosado II., M.S.
Area of Focus: Counselor Education
Graduate Assistant
College of Education
3214 Benjamin Building

Maria Vargas
Area of Focus: American Studies
Graduate Assistant
USLT Studies Program
1102 Holzapfel Hall

Rebecca Villarreal
Area of Focus: Higher Education
Graduate Assistant
Resident Life
0200 Calvert Hall


Michael Andrews
Area of Focus: Educational Counselor
Pre-College Programs 
West Education Annez

Antoine Banks
Area of Focus: Racial/Ethnic Politics, Political Psychology, Public Opinion
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Government & Politics
3140 Tydings Hall

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