APIDA Programs
The APIDA Involvement Area hosts the following events annually throughout the year:
APIDA Community Retreat
The APIDA Community Retreat occurs in the summer right before the beginning of the fall semester and is co-hosted by the Asian American Student Union. The two-day retreat is an opportunity for members of the APIDA community to get to know each other, learn about issues in the APIDA community and explore their own APIDA identities. Contact the Asian American Student Union for more information.
FUEL Leadership Conference
FUEL (Forging, Understanding, Empowering, Leading) is an annual conference that aims to inform and open dialogue about the history and current issues facing the Asian Pacific Islander Desi (APIDA) community through a themed focus. The conference includes educational workshops and featured speakers. FUEL is November 7th, 2021.
Asian, Pacific Islander, & Desi American Heritage Month
Asian, Pacific Islander, & Desi American Heritage Month (APIDAHM) occurs in April and celebrates the APIDA community through a themed focus. The month encompasses cultural events, educational workshops, small group discussions, celebrations, and performances.