June 14 - August 12, 2022
Opening Reception
Free and Open to the Public
Building on the unifying relationship forged between UMD’s art education program and Bowie State University’s art studio program after the murder of Richard Collins III, UMD and BSU students designed and facilitated a multi-media community-based art piece at the NextNow Festival in September 2021, drawing the participation of 200+ festival attendees.
The work is a series of individual artworks created by participants at the arts festival based on the prompt “Snapshots of our new normal: uniting as a global family to create a better world for tomorrow” that were combined into digital collages by our student artists. These digital collages have spread around the College Park and Bowie communities in the form of wheat-pasted posters, postcards, large vinyl stickers, and light projections. In addition, BSU students participating in a digital arts course created a website and video documentary of the project.
Learn more about the project at: vibezcommunity.wixsite.com/nextnowfest2021
Located on the first floor of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union—Center for Campus Life at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Stamp Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting contemporary art, especially the work of emerging and mid-career artists. The Stamp Gallery supports contemporary art that is challenging, academically engaging, and attuned to broad community and social issues. Through meaningful exhibitions and programming, the Gallery offers outside-of-the-classroom experiential learning opportunities. It functions as a laboratory where emerging artists and curators experiment and work through their ideas. The Gallery’s programming aims to emphasize the importance of process to contemporary artistic practice and to provide a forum for dialogue.
FREE and open to the public. Summer hours: Mondays - Fridays, 12 pm - 5 pm; closed Saturdays - Sundays.