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Welcome to StampTV

The mission of the StampIT Video Services is to be an outlet for the diverse ideas and voices of the University of Maryland community. It is a project created by Stamp IT to provide events held in the Stamp the opportunity to reach wider audiences through video recording and web streaming. StampIT Video Services currently utilizes Vimeo for live web streams and YouTube for on demand access to video recordings.

Your event on StampTV

Good content tells a story and/or informs the viewer about a particular topic. Every day there are interesting and informative events being held in the Stamp. StampIT Video Services was created to help these events reach wider audiences by making the content available live and on-demand.

StampIT Video Services is looking for content that originates from the university community  Cultural showcases, lectures, presentations, legislative and town hall meetings, are a few examples of what StampIT Video Services is looking for.

Events Held in The Stamp

If you are sponsoring an event in The Stamp and would like to have StampIT Video Services record or livestream it, use the request form to get the process started. We will then work with you to meet the unique needs of video recording or streaming your event.

Submitting Content

We at StampIT Video Services are also interested in original content created by the campus community. If you are interested in submitting content email us at Content must be non-copyrighted. We will work with you to get the content to us and upload it.

Recording Consent Form

Note: documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to view, download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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