Black Student Groups
Black Student Groups
Welcome to the Black Student Groups Page!

Whether you are a freshman, transfer, or continuing student looking to join a new student organization, this page will give you insight into the groups related to Black student involvement at the University of Maryland. As the Graduate Coordinator for Black Student Involvement and Advocacy, I would like to welcome you to campus and urge you to explore the many student organizations available. We have a diverse list of student organizations, from political and cultural groups to social and special interest organizations. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read through the descriptions of each student organization. |
Academic/Honors Groups |
Advocacy/Political Groups |
Cultural/Social Groups |
Graduate Opportunities/Groups |
Greek Affiliated Groups |
THE ASSOCIATION OF MINORITY FUTURE EDUCATORS Mission Statement: The Association of Minority Future Educators will strive to provide a support network for minority students at the University of Maryland, College Park that are planning to pursue education professionally. By doing so, AMFE will promote diversity for future generations of educators by assisting UMDCP minority students throughout their undergraduate semesters. This will be achieved through providing opportunities for members to create networks, involve themselves with children/teachers around the area and to better themselves as educators through community service, socials, forums, etc. – while also encouraging future educators/members through engagement and inspiration. Membership Info: AMFE does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. (For definitions of “personal appearance” and “sexual orientation,” see the University’s Code of Human Relations (“Code.”) Contact Information: Facebook: Twitter: @amfe_umd
BLACK BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Mission Statement: The mission of the Black Business Association (BBA) is to provide channels of opportunity to undergraduate students interested in the field of business. Important goals of BBA include academically assisting students in their course of study, and providing guest speakers, advising, and internship opportunities to members. BBA also provides opportunities for fundraising and community service in the local area. Membership Info: Black Business Association does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. (For definitions of “personal appearance” and “sexual orientation,” see the University’s Code of Human Relations (“Code.”) Contact Information: Twitter: @BBATerp Instagram: @bba.umd BLACK COMMUNICATION SOCIETY Mission Statement: The purpose of the Black Communication Society is to develop a union of communication students of color dedicated to truth and excellence in all communication professions. The Black Communication Society shall provide an outlet for minority opinion, as well as provide a venue for professional enrichment in future communication endeavors. The Society recognizes the absence of Black students and faculty in the Department of Communication and shall serve as the channel for networking socially, academically and professionally on all levels in the field of communication. Membership Info: Membership in the Black Communication Society shall be open to all University of Maryland students in good academic standing. BCS does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. (For definitions of “personal appearance” and “sexual orientation,” see the University’s Code of Human Relations.) Membership is not limited to declared Communication majors. Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @BCSTerps Instagram: @bcsterps BLACK ENGINEERS SOCIETY Mission Statement: BES's mission is to recruit, retain, and release qualified minority in the fields of engineering, computer science, mathematics, and physical science. This group is affiliated with the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering National Society of Black Engineers. The mission of the national organization NSBE, National Society of Black Engineers, is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. Membership Info: Must be a student enrolled at the University of Maryland, College Park. Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @BES_UMCP Instagram: @besumcp NSBE Website: BLACK HONORS CAUCUS Mission Statement: The Black Honors Caucus aims to support and promote the unity and development of Black students within the University Honors Program. Membership Info: Members of the Black Honor Caucus shall be undergraduates at the University of Maryland in good academic standing. Placement in Honors or any other University of Maryland sponsored program shall have no bearing on membership to organization. The Black Honors Caucus is dedicated to the philosophy of equal opportunity. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, personal appearance, age national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of the exercise of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Contact Information: Instagram: BLACK PRE-LAW STUDENT ASSOCIATION Mission Statement: The Black Pre-Law Association at the University of Maryland is an organization that strives to create a supportive and encouraging community for Black pre-law students. The Black Pre-Law Association hopes to increase awareness of and access to resources within and outside of the campus community that will help students successfully prepare for and apply to law school, as well as develop their individual professionalism through networking and mentorship opportunities. Through education regarding the realities of the legal field, promotion of community service, and cultivation of a space to share resources and opportunities, the Black Pre-Law Association aims to foster an environment committed to holistically supporting students in their goal of becoming strong law school candidates and dedicated future legal professionals. Contact Information: Email: Instagram: MARYLAND ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALISTS Mission Statement: MABJ is the University of Maryland student chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists. Our primary goal is to foster and maintain an interest in journalism, but we also promote academic excellence and community involvement. Membership Info: The Maryland Association of Black Journalists is a group welcome to students of all majors, races and ethnic backgrounds and demographics. Students must be in good academic standing with the university. Contact Information: Twitter: MINORITY ASSOCIATION OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS (M.A.P.S) Mission Statement: The Multicultural Association of Psychology Students (MAPS) is a student organization aiming to build a community for the diverse student body of psychology students here at the University of Maryland, College Park. Contact Information: Email: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS (NABA) Mission Statement: The mission of NABA is to address the professional needs of its members and to build leaders that shape the future of the accounting and finance profession with an unfaltering commitment to inspire the same in their successors. Contact Information: Email: Website:
SOCIETY OF AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES Mission Statement: The Society of African American Studies is the student-run organization associated with and supported by the department. The Society provides community service in local schools, hosts on-campus programs and events, and annually has supported a local family through its "Adopt-a-Family" program. Contact Information: Phone: 301-405-1158 Email: |
AFRICAN STUDENTS PROGRESSIVE ACTION COMMITTEE (ASPAC) Mission Statement: African Students Progressive Action Committee was established in order to find positive avenues and solutions to social, political, environmental, and health problems facing the continent of Africa. We strive to do what we can, all we can in order that our purpose - to improve the current conditions of Africa, be realized to its fullest extent. Contact Information: Instagram: @aspac_umd Twitter: @ASPACUMD NAACP Mission Statement: The purpose and aims of the University of Maryland College Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to improve the political, educational, social and economic status of minority groups; to eliminate racial prejudice; to keep the public aware of the adverse effects of racial discrimination; and to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent with the efforts of the national organization and in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation of the Association, its Constitution and By-Laws and as directed by the National Board of Directors. In addition, its objectives are to inform students of the problems affecting Blacks and other minority groups; to advance the economic, educational, social and political status of Black people and other minority groups and their harmonious cooperation with other people; to stimulate an appreciation of the Black man’s contribution to civilization and to develop intelligent, militant, effective leadership. These objectives shall be pursued in accordance with the policies of the Association within the framework of University regulations. General Body Meetings and Events : Meets every other Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm in Nyumburu Cultural Center’s Multipurpose Room Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @naacpumcp Twitter @naacpumcp STUDENT EMPOWERMENT PROJECT (STEP) Mission Statement: The Student Empowerment Project (STEP) is a student led networking and advocacy organization that is committed to the pursuit of academic excellence and professional success of its members and the larger Maryland campus community. It is the core belief of STEP that every student at the University of Maryland can and should achieve academically, and that it is every student’s individual responsibility to STEP UP to academic and social challenges presented by college life. STEP seeks to educate the Maryland campus community by partnering with several campus organizations such as the Black Student Union, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and several campus fraternities to co-sponsor academically driven programming. However, most importantly, STEP seeks raise the consciousness of its members by bringing student, faculty, administrative, and alumni leaders together to teach its members and any other Maryland student the secrets to their academic and professional success. Contact Information: Twitter: @UMDSTEP THE VOICE: JUVENILE JUSTICE Mission Statement: The Voice strives to encourage personal growth and transformation in youth by providing a safe bridge between the detained youth and the larger community who is supporting their progress toward a more productive life. Contact Information: Twitter: @empowerthevoice |
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (Theta Nu Chapter)

Mission Statement:
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is a historically Black Greek Organization founded on the purposes of high scholarship, morals, and service. Theta Nu Chapter participates in community and campus service projects for the University of Maryland and its neighboring areas.
Membership Info:
2.5 GPA, Campus Involvement, Community Service. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Contact Information:
Twitter: @ThetaNu1908
Instagram: @thetanu1908
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Iota Zeta Chapter)

Mission Statement:
The mission of this organization is to stimulate the ambition of its surrounding communities. To assist in the preparation of human development, so that individuals are prepared for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity. To encourage service; the highest and noblest form of manhood. To aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status. This organization helps with the development of leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for any community. Those are the five tenets that the organization aims to fulfill with every service project. We believe that to be engaged members of civil society, we have an obligation to be aware of the needs and concerns of the communities we operate within. Concordantly, our service projects are intricately linked with the needs and concerns of the local and national communities. We exist as the avenue for the community to better itself. We strive to be the epicenter of progress and excellence.
Membership Info:
Alpha Phi Alpha does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. (For definitions of “personal appearance” and “sexual orientation,” see the University’s Code of Human Relations (“Code.”)
Contact Information:
Instagram: @theinfamous_iz
Twitter: @theINFAMOUS_IZ
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Kappa Phi Chapter)

Mission Statement:
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.'s purpose is to proactively serve the campus and local community, exemplify sisterhood, and promote scholarship. We are a predominantly African American Sorority focusing on our Five Point Thrust program, which is the foundation of our initiatives.
Membership Info:
Members must have a 2.75 GPA and be in good judicial standing with the University of Maryland.
Contact Information:
Twitter: @UMD_DST
Instagram: @umd_dst
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. (Theta Theta Chapter)

Mission Statement:
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. encourages honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor along with leadership training.
Membership Info:
Members must have a 2.75 GPA and be in good judicial standing with the University of Maryland.
Contact Information:
Instagram: @tntnupes
Twitter: @TNTNupes
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Epsilon Psi Chapter)

Mission Statement:
To promote Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service amongst our community. And to instill the three national programs of Bigger and Better Business, Education, and Social Action into the lives of each and every person we encounter.
Membership Info:
Prospective members must have a 2.8 GPA with at least 12 credits.
Contact Information:
Instagram: @umdsigmas
Twitter: @UMDSigmas
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated (Eta Beta Chapter)

Mission Statement: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated's aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmarks of this organization's programs and activities. Membership Info: 2.5 GPA Full time student, undergraduate standing. Contact Information: Email: |