Registration Requirements
Guidelines to become a Registered Student Organization (RSO)
The University of Maryland has established a registration process for student organizations on campus, and that process provides specific guidelines under which student organizations may function. The registration process establishes a communication pattern between organizations and the University, through the Adele H. Stamp Student Union, that may support and add stability to student organizations. The registration process spells out the responsibilities of student organizations and the consequences for groups that choose not to function in accordance with these guidelines.
Student organizations are “recognized” by the University. The activities undertaken by a student organization are not sponsored or approved by the University. Registration does not create a contractual relationship between the University and the student organization or a property right or legal expectancy on the part of the organization. The University encourages student organizations to become Registered Student Organizations so students can better understand the University’s expectations regarding responsible co-curricular activity and take advantage of the many programs and services provided to assist them.
To become a registered student group with SORC and the University of Maryland, organizations must meet the following criteria. Registration approval is discretionary and is a function performed by the Student Organization Resource Center staff. Approval shall be based on a determination that the student organization meets the criteria listed below and that approval is in the best interest of the University.
Registering organizations may not be an underground group. University of Maryland defines an underground group as "...a number of persons who are associated with each other as former members of an organization for which Registered Student Organization status has been revoked. An underground group or organization perpetuates the previously registered student organization through the continued use of symbols, rituals, practices, and activities including but not limited to, hazing activities and hosting events accompanied by excessive drinking as well as overlapping membership."
Active/Current Organization Requirements:
- Guide on where to find re-registration form for organizations that already exist in TerpLink - MUST BE COMPLETED BY INCOMING PRESIDENT or TREASURER
- You will need to complete the registration form on TerpLink and make sure all the requirements below are met.
You will need to complete the registration process to remain a registered student organization for the coming year year. Failure to register could result in the loss of SGA recognition status, loss of room reservation access, ability to participate in the First Look Fair and Second Look Fair, and/or any of the benefits given to registered student organizations.
Brand New Organization Requirements:
- Organizations registering with SORC for the first time are encouraged to complete the Intent to Start a New Organization Form on TerpLink - this is not required to become a student organization
- The Intent to Start a New Organization Form is for students interested in forming a Registered Student Organization (RSO) and are wanting more information about the process. Staff in the Student Organization Resource Center use submissions for the new organization registration process, and to create a line of communication to potential organizations
- Organization leaders will need to attend a New Organization Welcome meeting with SORC. Meetings are listed on TerpLink.
- Meeting Dates:
- In these meetings, students will meet with SORC staff, hear about the benefits of becoming a registered student organization, learn more about resources to support your organization, and ask questions about the next steps in the registration process.
- Only one (1) member from the organization is required to attend the meeting, but more are encouraged. This can be any member from the organization – leadership or general member. If you are attempting to register multiple new organizations, you only need to attend one meeting. Frozen organizations and re-registering organizations (i.e. already active organizations) do not need to attend these meetings. SORC recommends that the President or Treasurer attend this meeting.
- Meetings are in person in the Student Involvement Suite (SORC). The event dates and times on TerpLink.
- Complete all the requirements for SORC Registration to be APPROVED
Formerly Inactive Organization Requirements:
- It is possible your organization is Inactive in TerpLink, and thus, not searchable.
- Reactivating groups must follow the steps for starting a new organization.
- Please contact SORC to check if your organization is Inactive and needs to be reactivated to re-register.
- Guide on where to find re-registration form for organizations that already exist in TerpLink - MUST BE COMPLETED BY INCOMING PRESIDENT or TREASURER
- Organizations registering with SORC for the first time are encouraged to complete the Intent to Start a New Organization Form on TerpLink - this is not required to become a student organization
- The Intent to Start a New Organization Form is for students interested in forming a Registered Student Organization (RSO) and are wanting more information about the process. Staff in the Student Organization Resource Center use submissions for the new organization registration process, and to create a line of communication to potential organizations
- Organization leaders will need to attend a New Organization Welcome meeting with SORC. Meetings are listed on TerpLink.
- Meeting Dates:
- In these meetings, students will meet with SORC staff, hear about the benefits of becoming a registered student organization, learn more about resources to support your organization, and ask questions about the next steps in the registration process.
- Only one (1) member from the organization is required to attend the meeting, but more are encouraged. This can be any member from the organization – leadership or general member. If you are attempting to register multiple new organizations, you only need to attend one meeting. Frozen organizations and re-registering organizations (i.e. already active organizations) do not need to attend these meetings. SORC recommends that the President or Treasurer attend this meeting.
- Meetings are in person in the Student Involvement Suite (SORC). The event dates and times on TerpLink.
- Complete all the requirements for SORC Registration to be APPROVED
Registering an organization you can’t find in TerpLink:
- It is possible your organization is Inactive in TerpLink, and thus, not searchable.
- It is also possible the organization is registered under a different name.
- It is also possible you can’t see the organization because you are not currently a member.
- Please contact SORC to help resolve this problem so you can re-register.
- DO NOT automatically submit a new organization registration. If your organization previously existed in TerpLink, your new organization registration will be denied.
- Frozen organizations must submit their registration and have it approved by SORC to become unfrozen. All the requirements are listed below.
- Frozen organizations are not publicly searchable on TerpLink. You will need to be a member of the organization on TerpLink currently to access the registration forms. If you are not currently listed as a member of the organization on TerpLink, please contact
- Video showing where to find re-registration form for frozen organizations that already exist in TerpLink - MUST BE COMPLETED BY INCOMING PRESIDENT or TREASURER
Completing the TerpLink Form and Registration Tracking:
- All groups (new and returning) must complete and submit the registration forms on TerpLink to register. Only members listed as the President or Treasurer on your organization's roster can submit the registration. Use this handy article on how to change the the President and/or Treasurer (and/or any other positions you have) on your TerpLink Roster.
- To check your registration status, use our Registration Tracking Sheet. If you don't see your organization listed on the Registration Tracking Sheet, it means you have not officially submitted your Registration Form on TerpLink, or the submitted registration is pending review. Make sure you click SUBMIT at the end of the registration form. The tracking sheet is manually updated, so it may take time for the sheet to be updated as SORC Staff reviews registrations.
- SORC staff will review all submitted registration forms within 15 business days after them being submitted
Roster Requirements:
- All organizations must have a minimum of 6 members (5 students and 1 Faculty/Staff Advisor). Ensure your roster has the required number of members.
- Members must be added to TerpLink using their UMD email addresses; you only need to remove the "terpmail." and the email will work. Any emails added that are not UMD email addresses (i.e. gmail, terpmail, yahoo, comcast, etc.) will cause the registration to be denied on TerpLink.
- You will not need access to the email address - all information will forward to the individual's terpmail, if they don't have an active email. The email is what is linked to the user account and will allow them to join the organization. If the user is having issues, please have them email for assistance.
- At least 75% of the membership must be currently enrolled students. It is the responsibility of the Registered Student Organization to maintain the required number of currently enrolled students listed as members.
- The organization must have at least one President and one Treasurer, held by two different members of the organization, and they both must be University of Maryland students. With the exception of the faculty/staff advisor, all officers must be held by currently enrolled University of Maryland students.
- Use this handy video to assist you in uploading your roster in the registration forms.
Officer Trainings and Requirements:
Trainings have moved to ELMS
SORC has officially transitioned the officer training to ELMS. The President and Treasurer listed on the roster submitted in this registration will need to enroll in the SORC ELMS course. You will be able to find the Officer Training Module needed to complete this Registration, and a library of resources for you to better support your organization throughout the year. Note: This training/ELMS course is separate from the SPEND training. Completing the SPEND training will not count towards this requirement.
Direct Link to enroll in the SORC ELMS Course: (Enrollment opens Monday, October 7th, 2024)
Hold on to your certificate:
- This certificate of completion for the SORC Officer Training Module is good for the 24-25 academic year. If you are a president or treasurer of another organization that registers in Spring 2025 you can use this same certificate of completion for your other organizations registration as proof of completion.
Locate Certificate Of Completion If Lost:
- If you lose your certificate of completion, don't worry, you can download another copy in your Open Learning Portal.
- Instructional Guide
Advisor Requirements:
- The organization must have a faculty/staff advisor currently employed by the University of Maryland. This can be a graduate student as long as they have an assistantship with the University.
- Said advisor will complete and Advisor Agreement Form. This form will be completed every year by the listed advisor(s). The advisor(s) and only the advisor(s) can complete this form
- Faculty/Staff Advisors cannot be the same person as the President or Treasurer
- Direct/sharable link to the Advisor Agreement:
- If you are sending the advisor agreement to someone, copy and paste the link above to send it to them. Opening the advisor agreement and sending the form from that link will not give the other person access to the from. They need to open the link.
Constitution Requirements:
- Constitutions must disclose affiliate or parent organizations
- Registered student organization must be directed and controlled by currently enrolled University of Maryland Students - not departments, alumni groups, or any outside advising organizations. While these may be advisors to support the organization, leadership, and decisions must come from enrolled University of Maryland Students.
- Constitutions must have a mission statement
- Constitutions must have a ratification date or a date of last review
- Constitutions must include a statement of non-discrimination in the organization’s constitution, a statement agreeing to abide by University of Maryland policies, as well as a ratification date. Sample language for these statements can be found on our Sample Constitution website.
- Constitutions must have a name that abides by University of Maryland trademark guidelines; i.e. may not use the terms “University of Maryland,” “Terrapins,” “Maryland Terrapins,” “Terps,” “Testudo” in its name without prior approval. Groups may use the term “University of Maryland” when the group’s name is “[Name of Organization] at the University of Maryland”
- Organization, its officers, and members shall not conduct commercial activities that contribute, either directly or indirectly, to the private financial benefit of any individuals or organization other than the organization itself or the University of Maryland. Officers, members, and faculty/staff advisors are prohibited from using organization or their position to benefit a private commercial enterprise, organization or individual other than the organization or the University of Maryland.