In-Person Opening Reception
Thursday, April 28, 7-9 pm
Free and Open to the Public
College Park, MD. This spring the Stamp Gallery at the University of Maryland, College Park, presents Distinct Chatter, an exhibition featuring three artists in the second year of MFA candidacy in the Department of Art at the University of Maryland, College Park: Mercedes, Hosna Shahramipoor, and Charlotte Richardson-Deppe. In Distinct Chatter, Mercedes, Shahramipoor, and Richardson-Deppe bring attention to absence. Through interactivity, experimentation, sculpture, photography, and sound, they react to the forces of the world. The artists situate instances of silence and being silenced by attending to holes, punctures, lapses, fractures, and imperfections. While each of the artists makes work in reaction to their lived experiences, they hope to move beyond the fixed identities of woman, queer, Latinx, or Middle Eastern. Instead, they work within and outside of what it means to be an artist, with each one searching for qualities that lie at the core of common humanity.
This exhibition and programming is supported by the Maryland State Arts Council (msac.org) and a Pepsi Grant.
Panel conversation with artists
Thursday, May 5, 7-8 pm
Visible Mending Workshop with Charlotte Richardson-Deppe
Wednesday, May 11, 6:30-8:30 pm, co-hosted by Studio A and Stamp Gallery
In this workshop, Studio Art MFA candidate Charlotte Richardson-Deppe will teach you how to mend clothing using thread and scrap fabric. Whether you need to sew up a tear in a shirt or learn to darn a hole in a sock, I can help! In my art practice, I think a lot about mending as a practice of care in resistance to the disposability of capitalism. Through visible mending, you can practice care for your clothes, the environment, and the world at large. Please feel free to bring clothing items that need mending, or the Gallery will provide scrap fabric for you to practice mending on.
Located on the first floor of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union—Center for Campus Life at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Stamp Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting contemporary art, especially the work of emerging and mid-career artists. The Stamp Gallery supports contemporary art that is challenging, academically engaging, and attuned to broad community and social issues. Through meaningful exhibitions and programming, the Gallery offers outside-of-the-classroom experiential learning opportunities. It functions as a laboratory where emerging artists and curators experiment and work through their ideas. The Gallery’s programming aims to emphasize the importance of process to contemporary artistic practice and to provide a forum for dialogue.
FREE and open to the public. Spring Hours: Mondays–Thursdays: 10 am – 8 pm, Fridays: 10 am – 5 pm, Saturdays: 11 am – 5 pm, Sundays: Closed.
More information: stamp.umd.edu/centers/stamp_gallery