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Policies & Procedures

Event & Guest Services 

Event Management & Policy Manual

The Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life (Stamp)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 

Updated: August 2024
































MEDIA (Filming & Photography)









STAMP FREE EVENTS (Student Organizations)











Campus Posting Policy

A. Posting is not permitted on campus other than what is permitted in this policy.

B. Enrolled students, representatives of registered student groups, faculty, staff, and University departments may post non-commercial materials related to campus events and activities in compliance with general guidelines identified in this policy and with specific guidelines adopted for individual University facilities and buildings.

C. Materials including but not limited to posters, signs and flyers may be posted on approved locations via approved methods only.  Approved locations are those areas defined below and as permitted in individual University facilities and buildings.

D. Posting of materials in prohibited on certain surfaces and in certain locations, including, but not limited to: interior and exterior wall; doors; elevators; in restrooms; glass surfaces; sidewalks; pillars; trees; utility poles; fences, stairs; trash and recycling bins; lamp posts; blue light phones; university vehicles; traffic signs; the McKeldin Mall sundaia; fountains; Testudo statues; and/or other art installations. The University and invidual University facilities and buildings may identify additional surfaces and locations on which the posting of materials is prohibited.

E. Affixing stickers or any materials designated to be permanent or semi-permanent on any surface within the University's purview is prohibited.

F. Painting of any surfaces is prohibited unless explicitly approved by the relevant campus departments and facilities staff, and only if associated with an approved University activity or event.

G. For all postings and/or advertising materials, to allow for transparency of ownership, posts must included the name(s) of the sponsoring group, date, and time of the event, location, and title of the event/program, and a form of contact information for the sponsoring department or group. Posting and/or advertising materials that do not include this information will be removed.

H. Outside organizations, individuals and entities not affiliated with the University may only post materials on the public use bulletin board located at Stamp Student Union and other approved bulletin boards in specified university buildings.

I. The University reserves the right to enter into agreements with other agencies and entities. Such approved agreements may include the ability to advertise or post informational signs per the specific terms of such agreement.

J. The sale and promotion of commercial goods and services is prohibited unless specifically approved by the relevant space manager.

K. Postings may be made on public area bulletin boards pursuant to this policy. Due to limited space, postings are limited to no more than two announcements at any one time for the same event per public area bulletin board. Posting size should be no larger than 14x22 inches.

L. Postings must be attached to public area bulletin boards using non-damaging materials only. Use of tape, nails, staples, metal fasteners, or other forms of adhesives is prohibited.

M. Public bulletin boards are typically cleared on the first Monday of every month. Bulletin boards may be cleared more frequently, as needed, at the discretion of the location's departmental designee.

N. The use of lawn signs is limited. Lawn signs must identify the sponsoring department or student organization and must be removed promptly after each event by the sponsoring organization.  The University and its agents reserve the right to remove lawn signs or similar materials in situations that present obstructions to egress and ingress or prevent grounds crew from maintaining campus' facilities. Lawn signs located adjacent to the University's residence halls are prohibited unless approved, in advance, by the Department of Resident Life.

O. The University and its agents reserve the right to bill individuals, departments, and/or sponsoring groups/organizations for the costs of removal of material posted in violation of this policy and of the repair of any associated damages.

P. Individuals found to be in violation of this policy and associated guidelines may be held responsible financially and/or via administrative and disciplinary action per the University's Code of Student Conduct and or/relevant University Human Resources employee policies and procedures.

Q. The University reserves the right to immediately remove any signs, postings or other materials that do not comply with this policy, including materials that advertise events that occurred in the past.

R. In addition to this policy, specific units, offices, departments, schools, and colleges, in support of their operations, may have related guidance that they apply in their facilities.  

Stamp Posting and Signage Policy

A. Posting signs, flyers and other written materials on walls, doors, pillars, bannisters, windows/glass, flooring, ceilings, elevators, trash or recycling containers, and/or in restrooms in Stamp is prohibited, without receiving written approval in advance from Event & Guest Services. Approval will only be considered for signage specifically related to events occuring in Stamp. Postings that are not approved will be removed immediately.

     i. Signage in Stamp must be approved in advance, by Event & Guest Services.

     ii. Individals and/or groups will be billed for damages and associated repairs caused by approved or unapproved signage.

B. Stamp has mounted building maps and digital displays with floor maps, daily event calendar, building director, and other directional signage located throughout the building, especially at building entrances. This signage is meant to identify destination locations, assist with way-finding and building navigation, and to identify specific locations, programs, and services. 

There are digital signs outside the doors to meeting rooms. The information on these digital signs is pulled from our event managment system, and will only display the general reservation name and the event start and end times. 

      i. Client provided signs that are used to identify the purpose of a specific room (room/session identification signs) can be place on an easel directly next to the room entry door in the hallway. At no time should easels be placed to impede traffic flow or fire egress in hallways entrances, or stairs.

     ii. Client provided signs for a general welcome and/or an event schedule may be placed on an easel next to any approved registration table/room.  An additional sign with the conference schedule may be places at the primary entrance on an easel.

     iii. Client provided signage should be professional produced and mounted on foam-core or poster board which can be displayed on easels.

     iv. If additional directional signage is needed for events, clients can request easels and sign holders (11x14 landscape insert space), from their Event Coordinator, for a small fee.

C. Lawn signs around Stamp must identify the sponsoring orgnization(s). Lawn signs should not be posted more than one (1) day (or 24 hours) prior to an event, and must be removed promptly after each event, by the sponsoring organization(s).

D. There is one (1) public use bulletin board on the basement level of the building, across from Studio A. Posting size is limited to no larger than 14x22. There is a limit of not more than two (2) announcements for the same event, at any one time. This bulletin board is typcially cleared at the beginning of each month.

General Advertising & Promotion 

A. Postings to advertise events occuring in Stamp or Stamp managed spaces are to be posted on campus only. Off-campus advertising is not permitted. This includes the announcment of events on radio/tv, in non-university publications, and on social media.

     i. Exceptions to this are made for SEE (Student Entertainment Events).

B. Postings to advertise "party"  events on campus must include the following phrase "College ID Required".

C. Advertising which states “University of Maryland's (name of organization)” is not permitted.

     i. Advertising should be phrased as “(Sponsoring group name) at the University of Maryland”.

D. Events may not be advertised until a confirmation or reservation document has been received by the sponsoring group.

E.  Stamp Marketing is responsible for the management of poster display cases on the ground floor level of Stamp.  Event & Guest Services manages the display cases on the first floor, which can be reserverd by university departments and registered student organziaton via eCalendar.

F. Registered student organizations can learn about additional opportunities to promote their events from the Student Organzation Resource Center (SORC).


The Event Alcohol Policy controls the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by students, faculty, and staff at student or department sponsored events on university premises or university sponsored events.

1.       The possession or use of alcohol by any person under the age of 21 or the furnishing of alcohol to a person known to be  under the age of 21 is prohibited by law and university policy. Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed, distributed  or consumed at student sponsored or departmentally sponsored events that are open to the general public and/or  university community and occurring on university property unless beverages are served by a licensed caterer.  In  most  facilities on campus, alcoholic beverages for open events, may only be sold or served by the University  Department of Dining Services under special licenses from the Prince George’s County Board of License  Commissioners and/or the Comptroller of the State of Maryland.

2.       Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed or consumed at student sponsored or department sponsored events that are closed to the general public and/or university community unless advance written approval has been obtained.   Depending upon the size and scope of the event, closed events may be “Bring Your Own” beer or wine.  Sponsors have  the responsibility to determine if the event requires and alcoholic beverage license.  Any event where alcoholic  beverages are being sold or provided through an admission charge must have a license.

3.       The use of university funds for the purchase of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

4.       Open Events are defined as the following:

     a.       Student or department sponsored events that have been advertised to the general public or university community  via flyers, posters, emails, social media, or other forms or advertising/marketing.

     b.      Events where alcoholic beverages are individually sold or included in an event admission charge.

     c.       Events held in public spaces including, but not limited to public meeting rooms, classrooms, ballrooms,  theaters, public lounges, hallways, or other spaces that are typically open and accessible to the general public.

     d.      The event is sponsored or co-sponsored by a non-University affiliated business, and/or organization.

     e.      Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed, distributed, and consumed at such events deemed open to the general  public and/or university community without obtaining the appropriate liquor license.

5.       Closed Events are defined as the following:

     a.       Closed events are normally closed to the general public and/or university community and are sponsored by  either a student organization or a university department.  Such events are open only to members of the  sponsoring group and their specifically invited guests.  Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed at closed  events unless prior approval is obtained by the Vice President for Student Affairs.  Delegated authority for  reviewing and approving such requests rests with the Assistant Director for Event & Guest Service's of the Stamp Student Union or their designee.

     b.      Closed events eligible for “Bring Your Own” beer and wine are defined as follows:

          i.         The event must be held in an enclosed room or space that is generally not open to the public, with a door  that is kept closed during the event and all alcohol consumption must remain in the enclosed space.

          ii.         The event cannot be held or extended into public outdoor spaces.

          iii.         Procedures must be in place to prevent uninvited and/or under-aged guests from gaining access to the event/alcohol (e.g. registration, check-in, wristbands, name tags, tickets, etc.)

          iv.         The event is not publicly advertised and is by invitation only.

          v.         The event attendance/invitation list is less than 50 people.

          vi.         Alcoholic beverages must be “Bring Your Own”.

          vii.         Only beer and wine may be possessed and consumed. Hard liquor is prohibited.

          viii.         Kegs, beer balls, punch bowls or other common containers of alcohol in excess of 750 ml are not  allowed.

          ix.         Other alcoholic beverages cannot be provided or served by a Caterer or other non-University affiliated third party.

          x.         Alcoholic beverages brought into a building for an event must be monitored and secured at all times.   Overnight and/or unsecured storage of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

          xi.         Alcoholic beverages may not be sold and there cannot be an admission charge to the event for guests or  attendees.

     c.       Sponsors of “Bring Your Own” closed events may also request approval to serve alcoholic beverages under the  following conditions:

          i.         A preponderance (95%) of persons in attendance must be of legal drinking age

          ii.         The focus of the event is not the consumption of alcohol.

          iii.         The event must be held in a properly reserved non-public space and approved by the  Dean/Director/Department head responsible for the space/event.

          iv.         The sponsors shall comply with all University, State, County, and Municipal alcoholic beverage  procedures, regulations, and statutes.

          v.         Any person attending the event who is not of legal age may not consume or receive alcohol.

          vi.         In addition to water, non-alcoholic beverages (e.g. tea, coffee, juice, soda, etc.) must be available at  all times.  Under the terms and conditions of the University’s beverage contract, only non-alcoholic  beverages produced or distributed by Pepsi are authorized to be served on the University of  Maryland campus.

          vii.         Sponsoring organizations will provide non-salty solid food in sufficient quantity in order to moderate the  effects of alcohol consumption.

          viii.         The sponsoring student organization or department is responsible for insuring that all persons in attendance  at the event comply with the alcohol policy.

          ix.         Alcohol purchases should be made in Maryland; State law prohibits the transport of alcohol across  state lines.

     d.      It is suggested where alcoholic beverages are BYOB that a member of the sponsoring  department/organization be TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) trained.  TIPS training is available  through the Department of Dining Services.

     e.      Procedures:  The group/department sponsoring a BYOB closed event must submit a Request for a “Bring Your  Own” Campus Event at least 15 business days prior to the event.  The request should outline how the  organization/department proposes to manage the event under the conditions listed above.  The final authority  for approving such events rests with the Associate Director of the Stamp Student Union.


Use of public address systems and other amplified sound is primarily defined as any non-electical or electrically supported equipment or technology that increases the volume of any sound, including bullhorns/megaphones. 

1.       Outdoor Events

     a.       Desired use of amplified sound must be submitted via eCalendar or in writing to a the Event Coordinator.

          i.       Use of amplified sound must  be approved in advance by the Assistant Director of  Event & Guest  Services or their designee

     b.      Use of amplified sound outside is restricted to Hornbake Plaza, McKeldin Mall, McKeldin Steps, and Nyumburu Amphitheater, at approved days/times.

     c.       Use of amplified sound outside is only permitted on Fridays 5:00pm - 10:00pm, Saturdays 10:00am - 10:00pm, and Sundays 12:00pm – 8:00pm, as not to interrupt the academic or administrative functions of the University, or disrupt the College Park community.

     d.     Event & Guest Services Office and the University of Maryland Department of Public Safety (UMPD) reserve the right to discontinue the use of amplified sound that is deemed disruptive or potentially hazardous to the surrounding community, official University activities, facilities, students, faculty or staff.               

2.       Indoor Events

     a.       Use of amplified sound must be approved in advance by Event & Guest Services.

     b.      Clients and other individuals may not have music or other sounds that can be heard or that are disruptive to other events or activities occurring other rooms or areas of the building.                

     c.      Use of non-university provided amplification sound systems must be approved in advance by Event & Guest Services.       

     d.      The Stamp Event & Guest Services office and the University of Maryland Department   of Public Safety (UMPD) reserves the right to discontinue any amplified sound that is deemed disruptive or potentially hazardous to the surrounding community, official university activities, including nearby meeting rooms, facilities, students, faculty, or staff.


1.      Individuals are not allowed to bring animals or pets into the Stamp, except for qualified   service animals.

     a.       Service animals are allowed in the Stamp.  

          i.  A service animal is  any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability, in at least one of 10 general task areas.              

          ii. Pets are not permitted in the Stamp.

2.       Sponsoring organizations with authorized events that include animals must follow the following guidelines: 

          i.  A specific Events with Animals request form must be submitted in advance for approval. This form can also be provided by your Event Coordinator.

          ii.  Event sponsors must purchase and provide proof of insurance (TULIP, or other outside agency). Proof of insurance must be sent to the Event Coordinator and Office Risk Management. University departments do not need additional insurance.

          iii. Individuals must sign a waiver before participating in the event. Waivers will be provided by your Event Coordinator or the Office of Risk Management. Event sponsors must keep copies of the signed waivers for at least 366 days.

         iv.  Not all animals will be approved to come to campus, for health and safety concerns.

          v.  Indoor events with animals may only be approved in rooms that do not have carpeting.             

           Animal Health and Safety 

          vi.  Event sponsors must provide the name of the organization providing the animals; the number of animals involved; and provide documentation that all animals are current with required vaccinations and testing.

          vii.  Event sponsors must post signs alerting event participants to safety issues

          viii.  Event sponsors must establish barriers (rope, fencing) to prevent contact with animals from non-animal areas.

        ix.  Event sponsors must provide a hand washing station (hand sanitizer is acceptable if sinks are not available)

        x.  Event sponsors must provide clean drinking water for all animals; and if applicable appropriate shade or shelter for outdoor event

        xi. Event sponsors must provide for the immediate clean up and proper disposal of any animal waste during and after the event.

        xii.  Animals cannot be considered for adoption or sale while on the UMD campus.

        Event Setup

        xiii.  Events with animals must have the event space divided into three (3) areas:

                   1. Non-Animal Area

                       An area outside the animal space

                       Human food and beverages are permitted

                       Hand Sanitizer  

                    2. Transition Area

                        Entrance and exit to the animal area (a one-way flow)

                        Visitor traffic is controlled to prevent overcrowding

                         Signs posted to warn guests of entering an animal area, the risks of contact

                    3.  Animal Area

                         There must be rope, fencing, etc.. to designate this space

                         Drinking water for animals must be provided at all times

                         Human food and beverages are prohibited

                         Trained monitors are assigned to each animal

                         Adequate space is provided for animals and visitors

                         Animals are not allowed to be overwhelmed by visitors

                         Animals are not permitted outside the animal area

                         Animal waste must be cleaned up in a timely manner and disposed of appropriately in bags to an outside dumpster



Events that included the use of sound amplification, acoustical or amplified instruments, singing, loud talking or any other form of audible sounds may infringe upon other events and or activities taking place within the Stamp or on campus. This is especially true in adjoining rooms that are only separated by doors and/or temporary walls. The Stamp reserves the right to control the volume levels of any event and limit or discontinue any activity that interferes with the normal and reasonable activity of other authorized event or normal Stamp/campus activity, even when non-University audio-visual equipment is being used. What is occurring in one space should not disrupt what is occurring in other spaces inside or outside the building.


Banner space inside the building may be reserved, at no charge, to advertise an event sponsored by a university department or student organization. There are six (6) indoor banner spaces available on the railing above the North Atrium of the Stamp. Space may be reserved for the day of the event plus the six (6) calendar days prior to the event date.

1.      General Guidelines

     a.       Banner space must be reserved through Stamp eCalendar prior to hanging the banner.

     b.      Only one (1) space may be reserved at a time, to ensure broad access to banner spaces.  

     c.       Banner dimensions are no larger than 6’ wide x 3’ high.

     d.      Groups are responsible for providing banners that are made of plastic, vinyl or canvas  and professionally made.

     e.       Banners must have grommets (reinforced holes) in them to enable the banner to be   hung properly.

     f.       Banners must be dropped off for installation in the Event & Guest Services Office on   the first day of the  approved reservation.

     g.       Banners can be retrieved from the Event & Guest Services Office on the day after the reservation has concluded.

     i.        Banners not collected after 5 business days will be disposed.

     h.      Advertising which states “University of Maryland's (name of organization)” is not permitted. Advertising should  be phrased as “(Sponsoring group name) at the University of Maryland".                         

     i.       The outside banners on the front of the Stamp are strictly reserved for events sponsored by the Stamp. University Marketing & Communications and the President's Office may request permission for banners representing campus wide events. The final decision is at the discretion of the Stamp Director, or their designee.  


The use of bicycles, skates, skateboards, sneaker skates and other wheeled recreational vehicles is prohibited inside the Stamp Student Union.  Bicycles and scooters must be left outside and secured to the bike racks provided.

Electric micro-mobility vehicles (e-scooters, e-skateboards, electric bicycles, e-hoverboards, etc.) are not permitted inside any campus facilities, as those pose a serious fire risk. Electric micro-mobility vehicles found in campus buildings are submit to immediate fine and impoundment. Vehicle owners can receive a fine up to $70 and students will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Impounded vehicles may be claimed from the Department of Transportation Services (DOTS).


There are three (3) indoor booth spaces available at the end of the food court in front of the North Court lounge, on the ground floor of the Stamp at a cost of $25 per day for student organizations, $50 for university departments and Stamp departments, and $100 for non-university groups. No food or ticket sales are allowed at these spaces. The policies pertaining to booth spaces are as follows:

1.      There is no limit to booth reservations per semester, but only one location per day may be reserved.

2.      The group must display a legible sign on the booth indicating the name of the organization.

3.      Activity is limited to the booth space only. Free standing display items, such as easels or flip charts must be kept  directly behind or on the assigned table space.

4.      Amplified sound or live music is not permitted at booth spaces.

5.      An authorized representative of the student organization, university department or university partner must be present at all times.  

6.  Non-University groups may not independently reserve booth space. Non-university groups   can either be sponsored by the University Career Center (if appropriate), or discuss sponsorship opportunities with the Student Affairs Development Coordinator.

7.  Representatives should be prepared to show their UMD ID and a copy of the reservation form upon request by the police and/or Stamp employees.


All Campus RecWell Spaces are scheduled and managed by the University Recreation & Wellness reservations office.  Information about policies and procedures can be found at


An event shall be deemed to be cancelled by clients if the event is cancelled altogether, moved to a different space, or moved to a different date after the cancellation deadlines outlined below.  All cancellation notices must be received via email.

1.       Colony and/or Grand Ballroom

     a.   Clients must terminate or cancel by written notice received by the assigned Event Coordinator on or before thirty-five (35) business days prior to event to receive full refund of payments (minus the 25% non-refundable deposit). Clients shall be liable for the full rental charges if the termination or cancellation occurs fewer than thirty-five (35)  business days prior to the event. 

2.       All other reservable space

     a.   Clients must terminate or cancel by written notice received by the assigned Event Coordinator on or before ten (10)  business days prior to event to receive full refund of  payments (except the 25% non-refundable deposit). Clients  shall be liable for full rental charges if the termination or cancellation occurs fewer than ten (10) business days prior to the event.


University of Maryland Dining Services and Stamp Restaurants are the only food service providers authorized to serve food in the Stamp

1.       Catering Options

     a.       Good Tidings:  Full Service Catering

     b.      Goodies To Go:   Drop off catering service

     c.      Stamp Restaurants:  Carry out catering services

2.       Catering Waivers

     a.       Catering waivers are typically only available to registered ethnic or cultural student organizations that require authentically prepared ethnic and cultural foods not available from Dining Services or Stamp restaurants to highlight or celebrate their specific culture. University departments may apply for catering waiver for any Kosher meals that are needed for the event.                        

     b.      Completed Catering Waiver Requests must be submitted to the Stamp Event & Guest Services Office at least ten (10)  business days prior to the date of the event.

     c.       Catering waivers will only be approved for events that require authentically prepared ethnic and cultural foods required to highlight or celebrate the culture/ethnicity of the sponsoring organization, that cannot be prepared by University of Maryland Dining Services                   

     d.       Non-University clients may not request catering waivers. The following are exceptions:  cakes to be served at a wedding reception. Waivers for wedding cakes must be discussed in advance with the Event Coordinator. Exceptions can also be made if Kosher food is required for the event, and a catering waiver must be submitted and approved in advance.

     e.       Non-University Catering Company Requirements (for events with an approved catering waiver)

          i.       Off-campus catering companies must provide all appropriate equipment to keep food at proper temperatures in accordance with safe food handling regulations. Caterers must provide all necessary equipment including, but not limited to serving equipment, transportation carts, and warming equipment, etc.  

          ii.     The catering company/restaurant is responsible for the delivery, set-up and service of all food associated with the event. The catering company is responsible for the safe transportation of all food from their production kitchen directly to the event site. Members of the student organization or sponsoring organization are not permitted to transport food in private vehicles.   

          iii.    A certified Food Service Sanitation Manager (PG County certification or equivalent) must be on site from food delivery and until food removal.

          iv.     Off-campus catering companies MUST clearly identify their company or restaurant   by use of signage  at  the catering site.  The caterer must display their Food Service Permit number on all delivery vehicles, signage, business cards and invoices. 

          v.      The sponsoring student organization is required to ensure that off-campus caterer completely cleans all areas used for both the staging and serving of the event meal.  All equipment and uneaten food must be removed and properly disposed of immediately following the event. Any damages to the facility or additional cleaning that are the result of a catered event will be billed back to the sponsoring organization.  

          vi.      Kitchens and other areas that fall within the scope of the University of Maryland’s Health Department Permits are not available for use by any off-campus catering company. No on-site food preparation is permitted. Off-campus catering companies may not use hallways, restrooms, lounges, or other public spaces for the preparation, staging, or serving  of food. 

          vii.     When using an off-campus catering company, the selling of food on site is not permitted. Event Sponsors cannot bring off-campus company on campus to sell food at an event.      

          viii.   Any event that requires the service of alcoholic beverages MUST use the in-house catering from the University of Maryland Dining Services for food and for the sale and distribution of alcohol at the event, since they hold the State liquor permit for the University. 

          ix.      All deliveries to the Stamp will be made via the loading dock located on the north   side of the  building.  Catering trucks may off-load equipment, supplies and food products for their event and then will be required to move their vehicle away from the loading dock to allow for other deliveries. At no time should the loading dock be used as parking space for a non-university catering vehicles.                      

          x.       Pepsi brand cold beverages are the only soft drink beverages that are authorized   to be served on the  University of Maryland campus.  Off-campus catering companies or not permitted to provide any other brand or soft drinks or water.         

          xi.     At the end of your event, in accordance with Maryland state law, all uneaten food and compostable items must be removed from campus for disposal, or placed in officially identified compost bins that are located in the Stamp Student Union. Use of trash or recycling bins for the disposal of uneaten food and compostable items is not permitted.               

3.       Outdoor Locations

     a.       Food and beverages at outdoor event spaces must either be provided by University Dining Services or an approved non-university caterer, if the sponsoring organization has received a catering waiver.

          i.            University Dining Services must approve all non-university caterers

          ii.            All non-university caterers are subject to Prince George’s County Health           Department requirements (


The Stamp recognizes official UMD Chaplains as university departments.  The Chaplaincies work in coordination with the Memorial Chapel and serves the spiritual needs of the University of Maryland.  Specific information about chaplaincy programs is available at the Memorial Chapel website at


The Stamp supports the academic efforts of students.  The Stamp allows currently enrolled University of Maryland students not affiliated with a student organization to reserve Stamp tables for the purpose of completing class projects.  Students can submit requests for Stamp outside tables or inside food court booths at For all other reservable spaces the student will be considered a non-university client and must comply with non-university procedures and pay non-university rates for space, equipment, services and technology. Student completing class projects are subject all policies regarding the use of Stamp outside tables


The use of academic classroom space in academic buildings is under the jurisdiction of Academic Scheduling within the Office of the Registrar and is available for meetings and activities on a temporary basis after all regularly scheduled classes have been assigned rooms. 

Event & Guest Services is only authorized to use specific classrooms spaces in the following academic buildings:  Armory, Art-Sociology, Frances Scott Key, Jimenez, LeFrak, Math, Susquehanna, and Symons.

1.       Student Organizations

     a.       All event request for classroom space must be submitted through the Stamp eCalendar.         

          i.      Student organizations are only allowed to reserve the classrooms that are listed in Stamp eCalendar.

          ii.    Student Organizations will be allowed up to150 hours of free classroom space per fall and spring semesters.     

          iii.  Unused free classroom hours cannot roll over into the following semester.

          iv.    Student Organizations are permitted to use academic classrooms spaces Monday -  Friday 5:00pm - 10:00pm; and Saturday - Sunday 8:00am - 10:00pm, or as designated by the Academic Scheduling Office.       

          v. Events with music, singing, and/or instruments are only permitted in the Armory and Symons buildings.               

          vi. Eating and drinking are prohibited in student org meetings and activities scheduled in all classroom spaces.

          vii.  All furniture must be returned to its original configuration before leaving the room.

    b.     Requests to use classroom spaces can begin to be submitted after 9:00am on the first day of classes  for fall and spring semester for meetings and activities occurring during the same semester. All requests must be submitted at least seven (7) days in advance using eCalendar.                    

     c.      Student orgs may not host events and activities in classroom spaces during summer, spring break, Thanksgiving break, Winter break, January Term, or anytime the University is closed and/or when regular classes are not in session.  

     d.  Student organizations may not host events on Reading Days or during final exam periods.

2.       University Departments

     a.      Event & Guest Services does not schedule classroom spaces for any University department sponsored event. This includes units that are a part of Stamp.                             

          i.    University departments, included those that are a part of Stamp, must contact the  the Academic Scheduling Office directly or work through Conference & Visitor Services to reserve classroom spaces.    

3.       Non-University

     a.      Event & Guest Services does not schedule classroom spaces for non-university individual or groups.           

          i.      Non-university entities must contact Conference & Visitors Services (C&VS) for assistance with classroom reservations.


Event & Guest Services Office separates clients into different categories or types for the purpose of delineating rates, policies and privileges.

Student Organizations

Defined as groups of students that are registered and approved through the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC). 

University Departments

Defined as official University of Maryland College Park administrative or academic departments/unit and paying for the use of rooms and/or services with a University of Maryland, College Park KFS account number.

Stamp Units

Defined as units that are included in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life organizational structure.

Stamp Tenants

Defined as university departments and/or vendors that have allocated space in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life but are not a part of the Stamp organizational structure.

Conference & Visitor Services (C&VS)

Defined as groups/organizations that contract with Conference & Visitor Services Department for the use of space in the Stamp.


Defined as all groups, organizations or individuals that do not qualify as a Student Organization, University Department, Stamp Department, Stamp Tenant, or Conference & Visitor Services. This includes individual UMD students and employees hosting personal events.


To insure that the promotion of entertainment related events are produced in a safe and fiscally responsible manner, the following policies and procedures are required for the production and management of large scale concerts and entertainment events on campus.

1.       Appropriate attention must be paid to the personal safety of all in attendance as well as   the security of campus facilities and properties.

2.       Attention must be paid to the sound fiscal management of all Major Events.

3.       All funds received and expended in the production and management of any Major Events shall be accounted for through appropriate University accounting procedures.         

4.       Management requirements related to the use of any and all University facilities are continuous. The nature of Major Events suggests logistical and public welfare issues of large dimension must be closely supervised by the appropriate administrative authorities.      

5.       No major events that results in the personal profit of any individual (other than a University recognized promoter) will be allowed.        

6.       SEE is designated as the sole student organization responsible for hosting promoter events.

7.       The Student Government Association shall employ a full-time advisor under the advice,   consent, and supervision of  the Vice President for Student Affairs or her/his designee to ensure, on behalf of SEE, successful program offerings and compliance with policies and procedures.      

8.       Off-campus advertising may be used only by SEE in the promotion and marketing of Major Event..

9.       Other student organizations and University departments may also sponsor Major Events but only in accordance with  the specific approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee.           

10.   Major Events must have fully executed contracts before the individual or group renders service. Fully executed is defined as a document bearing the signature of both the artist and the University Office of Procurement, the Presidents's Office, or their designee.  

11.   Security for Major Events must be coordinated with University Police. Final authority for the safety of individuals on campus rests with the University Police: therefore they must be involved in all stages of the planning process.    

12.   University facilities shall not be used for charity events.  Charity events are those events intended to raise money for reasons other than the expenses of the sponsoring group or for the support of Universities activities. Registered student organizations my conduct a benefit event for the purpose of the organization or educational mission.   

13.   Benefit events may not be organized for the private profit or gain of any member of any   student group or organization.

The following descriptions, updated in November 2023, are provided in an attempt to identify various scales of magnitude for concerts which might occur on campus.  Any specific criterion may be used as sufficient cause to classify a concert in a different category as needed to ensure appropriate safety, security, and other factors are managed adequately for an event.  The final judgment regarding the scale of the concert rests with the Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life or his/her designee in consultation with appropriate University personnel.

Large Concerts.  In general, a large concert will have an anticipate attendance of 5,000 or more attendees, a performance contract cost of over $20,000, and will feature established performers with a national reputation.

Medium Concerts.  In general, a medium concert will have an anticipated attendance of 1,200 to 5,000 attendees; a performance contract cost of $10,000 to $20,000, and will feature performers with a regional or national reputation.  The group or individual is considered “up and coming”.

Small Concerts. In general, a small concert will have an anticipated attendance of less than 1,200 attendees, a performance contract cost of less than $10,000, and will feature performers with a limited following.

Small concerts may be sponsored by any established, registered student organization or any academic of administrative unit.  The SEE Advisor and/or the Assistant Director for Student Activities responsible for contract review must sign off on the approval of concerts not sponsored by SEE or an academic or administrative unit to ensure the concert is indeed of limited scope and size.  

All medium concerts must either be sponsored or co-sponsored by SEE.  

All large concerts must be sponsored solely be SEE.  Along with this assignment of authority for medium and large concerts goes the accountability to the University and students.

1.       The University will notify the City of College Park in advance of all small, medium, and large outdoor concerts using amplified sound as part of the reservations process coordinated with Event & Guest Services. When the event is a large outdoor or large indoor concert, University staff members working with the event will alert the City administrative staff at least 30 days in advance of the event.        

2.       The University Police will notify Prince George’s County Police, Fire, and all appropriate public safety agencies of  all large concerts held on campus.

3.       The Art Attack concert and all other large outdoor concerts will be held in the Maryland   Stadium in coordination with  the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics or the Clarice Performing Arts Center. Small or medium outdoor concerts will be held in appropriate sized outdoor venues for the anticipated crowd and noise amplification. 

4.       Indoor concerts will be held in appropriately sized venues for the anticipated crowd with public safety being the primary concern used in determining that venue.  Medium and large indoor concerts will require a system distribution and gated access to manage the crowd attending the event.       

5.       In general, campus concerts are offered primarily for the enjoyment of students, faculty,   and staff of the University. Therefore the targeted proportion of non-campus versus campus attendance will be no greater than 50/50 for most concert events. Exceptions may be made for the City of College Park Independence Day concert and Maryland Day, depending on the unique circumstances, but campus facilities and resources should primarily be used to support campus events.        

6.       For large concerts, special steps will be taken to target this proportion through the control of ticket distribution and access via venue entrances.    

     a.       Access to ticket distribution to favor student participation will include a combination   of efforts related to the timing of releasing tickets to non-students, price differentials for non-students, and limitations on advertising as appropriate. For example, tickets may be made available to students and faculty/staff in advance of a general release to the public with no more than two tickets permitted per University ID. Then remaining tickets equaling no more than the numbers sold to students and other campus personnel could be released more broadly.

              b.      Access to events will be limited to ticket holders only.

7.       For all medium and large concerts sound will be monitored at designated locations at     the edge of campus with decibel meters owned and operated by University staff. Readings will be taken before the start of the concert and during the event.  Information gleaned from these readings will be relayed back to the concert sound control point for volume adjustment as appropriate.    

8.       There will be no more than 12 medium-sized concerts and no more than 2 large outdoor concerts per semester.

9.       In cases where it is clear that sound disturbance is not at issue, exceptions may be made to this policy by the Director  of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life or their designee. Such approval will be predicated upon the event sponsor's understanding of and willingness and ability to comply with these guidelines.   

10.   Contracts with performers will carry provisions which specify that volume control will be at the discretion of the event sponsor in compliance with institutional policies and may be monitored and adjusted as needed by the University. Contracts with performers will also indicated the required stating and ending time of the concert.  

11.   All concerts and major entertainment events held spaces managed by the Adele H. Stamp Student Union –  Center for Campus Life are required to use the ticketing services of the Stamp Ticket office to insure that attendance is limited to the approved occupancy capacity as determined by the University Fire Marshal.

12.  Event & Guest Services has the authority to apply this concert policy to other large indoor or outdoor entertainment events in regards to the following, and in consultation with University Police and other appropriate University administrative units:

  • Best location for the event, based on the anticipated crowd, and with public safety being the primary concern
  • Ratio of UMD vs general public attendees at the event
  • Requirement to use University approved ticketing system to manage attendance
  • Limits on the number tickets an individual can purchase or claimed
  • Controlling sound volume
  • Use of fencing an other equipment to manage crowds
  • Level of security needed to manage crowds and maintain safety


The Stamp encourages collaborations and co-sponsorship's with other organizations within the university community and non-university entities based upon the following criteria.  Violations to this policy may be considered “Fronting”.

1.       Student Organizations

     a.       The student organization is required to serve as the primary contact for the event and will take on all responsibilities associated with being the primary contact.

          i.         The student organization must be registered and in good standing with the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC).    

          ii.       The student organization must be in good standing with the Event & Guest Services Office. 

          iii.      The student organization will be the only party authorized to communicate with the Event & Guest Services Office regarding the event.

          iv.     The student organization will be responsible for all financial and legal liabilities associated with the event.

          v.       The student organization will be required to follow all event policies and procedures. The student organization will be held responsible for any violation of any policies and procedures.  

2.       University Departments

     a.       The university department is required to serve as the primary contact for the event and will take on all responsibilities associated with being the primary contact.

          i.     The university department will be the only party authorized to communicate with Event & Guest Services regarding the event.

          ii.       The university department will be responsible for all financial and legal liabilities   associated with the  event.  The University department will be held responsible for the violation of any policies and procedures.   

3.       Stamp Units

     a.       The Stamp departmental units will serve as the primary contact for the event and will   take on all responsibilities associated with being the primary contact.

          i.         The Stamp departmental unit will be the only party authorized to communicate with Event & Guest Services regarding the event.

          ii.       The Stamp departmental unit will be responsible for all financial and legal liabilities   associated with the event. The Stamp departmental unit will be held responsible for the violation of any policies and procedures. 

4.       Sponsor Limitations

     a.       University departments and registered student organizations may co-sponsor campus events with corporations or  commercial businesses, as outlined in this policy and in compliance with other University policies and procedures.   

     b.      Events co-sponsored by corporations should be intended primarily for the campus       community. They should be  consistent with the university's identity as an educational Institution as well as serving to enhance and expand upon currently available university events.             

     c.       Programs or events intended for the purpose of profit-making by corporate co-sponsors are not permitted. 

     d.      The sponsoring campus organization must assume complete responsibility for the program, including the nature of the event, planning and implementation of the event, maintenance of facilities, and legal liabilities. This includes having the organizations primary contact present during the event.   

     e.      No alcohol or tobacco products may be contributed or advertised.

     f.        Corporate entities may co-sponsor campus events via monetary contributions or provision of products/services necessary for the success of the planned event. Such contributions will be viewed as donations to the campus sponsor and will incur no reciprocal obligations other than those agreed upon by that organization and approved by the University. Products contributed must be compliant with University of Maryland exclusive contracts and partnerships.        

     g.       All profits realized from any co-sponsored event must be directed to the campus sponsoring organization or the charitable organization designated by the campus sponsor in compliance with Federal, State, Local, and University financial procedures. 

     h.       The Event & Guest Services Office reserves the right to deny any sponsorship that conflicts with University of Maryland contracts, sponsorships, policies, and procedures.  procedures.


The Stamp Event & Guest Services sets specific deadlines to ensure that sufficient time is allotted for event needs.

1.       Notifications

     a.       Clients will receive written notification of event requirement deadlines via the Stamp Event & Guest Services Agreement, Event Confirmations or in the eCalendar Event Summary. 

          i. Requests for specific audio-visual equipment and services should be finalized with the Event Coordianator at least two (2) weeks (14 days) prior to the start of a resrvation.

         ii. Clients should finalize the details of their room setup with their Event Coordinator at least two (2) weeks (14 days) prior to the start of a reservation.                   

     b.       Deposit and final payment reminders are sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive or read these courtesy reminders does not negate a clients responsibility to meet due dates. Clients are responsible for submitting payments and all other required information by the due dates indicated in the Agreement, Event Conformation or in the eCalendar Event Summary. Failure to submit payments or other information shoul resul

          i. Clients are expeted to submit deposit payments 10 days after their requests has been processed by their Event Coordinator

          ii. Clients are expected to submit final payments  one (1) week (7 days) prior to their start of their reservation.

2.       Business Days

     a.       Days in which the Event & Guest Services Office is open for business Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm.

     b.      Business days does not include weekends, any federal, state, or university holidays, or days when the University is closed.   

3.       Violations

     a.       The Event & Guest Services Office reserves the right to cancel or may not be able to   guarantee requested  services for any events in which the client has not met required deadlines.        


The Stamp recognizes the importance of having the proper decor for a successful event.  However some decorations can be damaging to the facility and/or its equipment. The Stamp defines decorations as something used for decorating, adornment, or embellishment.  This includes but is not limited to pictures, posters, paper products, and lighting.

1.       Clients/guests will be charged cost of repairs resulting from use of any type of decoration.

2.       Decorations/displays must be free standing. Nothing may be affixed in any manner to any surface, including the floor.  Expressly prohibited is: nailing, tacking, or taping material to painted surfaces, doors, glass, woodwork; or fastening display materials to draperies, light fixtures, and/or the ceiling.    

3.       Confetti and glitter are prohibited

4.       Doorways, halls, and stairs must be unobstructed.

5.       Candles or any open flames are strictly prohibited.

6.       Absolutely no hanging materials from the fire sprinkler system.

7.       Any decorations not made of flame proof material must be approved in advance by       University Fire Marshal.   (

7.       Any painting and/or construction of decorations/displays in the Stamp must be approved in advance.

9.       Arrangements for lighting effects must be approved in advance with the Event & Guest   Services Office.

10.       All light bulbs over 60 watts must be at least 5” away from any surface. Also, special decorative collars are not permitted at the neck of the bulb in any electric socket as they present a fire hazard.        

11.   Water fountains or pools are not permitted.

12.   All decorations/display material must be removed immediately after the function. Failure   to do so will result in  disposal of all items left behind and a labor charge assessed to the sponsoring organization.

13.   Whenever there is a question about the use of something not listed above, it is the sponsoring organizations responsibility to review the questions with Event & Guest Services.             

14.   If damage or loss occurs to the Stamp facility, its furnishings and/or equipment, and/or there is a need for extensive clean up, the sponsoring organization will be liable for the payment of an excessive cleaning and damage fees up to $30/hour (plus materials and supplies, if applicable). Excessive leaning and damage incudes, but is not limited to: Removal of tape, gum, glitter, confetti, food and beverage stains; the removal and disposal of balloons, and uneaten food not in compost bins; the repair, cleaning and/or replacement of furniture, fixtures, floors, walls, doors, window, and av equipment.  


1.       Non-Refundable Deposit Payments

     a.       Student Organizations are required to pay a non-refundable deposit in the amount of 25% of the total room rental  ten business days after an event request has been approved by the Event & Guest Services Office or within ten (10) days prior to the event date, whichever comes first.

          i.   If the deposit payment is not received within ten (10)  days of the event request being approved, the event request will could be canceled.

          ii. Events booked and approved by the Event & Guest Services Office with less than ten (10) days prior to the event date must be paid in full with in two (2) business days.

     b.      University Departments are required to pay a non-refundable deposit in the amount of 25% of the total room rental  charge within ten (10) business days of the event being approved by the Event & Guest Services Office, or within ten  (10) business days prior to the event, whichever comes first.  Payments will be applied to the departmental KFS account.

          i.   Event cancellations must be received in writing within ten (10) days of the event request being approved in order for the deposit not to be charged. Once a deposit payment has been applied to the reservation, it is considered paid and will not be removed.

          ii. All event payments will be applied to the department's KFS account unless otherwise requested

     c.       Stamp departmental units will not be required to pay a deposit.  

     d.      Non-University clients are required to pay a non-refundable deposit in the amount of 25% of the total room  rental ten (10)  days after the event request has been approved by the Event & Guest Services Office.  A signed event Agreement is due at the same time as the deposit payment

i.   If the deposit payment is not received within ten (10) days of the event request being approved, the event request can be canceled.

2.      Other Event Payments

      a.    Student organizations and Non-University clients are required to submit their final event payments at least one (1) week (7 days) prior to start their event.

     b.    University departments are required to have final event payments submitted at least one (1) week prior to the start of their event.  Payments will be applied to the departments KFS account.

     c.  Stamp departmental units are required to have final payments submitted at more than two (2) business day after the event has ended. Payments will be applied to the units KFS account.


Registered student organizations and university department clients may reserve three-dimensional display cases (58” wide x 46” high x 10” deep) located in the Stamp, at no charge, to promote their organization or department and events.

1.       Clients must use the Stamp eCalendar to reserve a display case and follow the guidelines and limitations outlined in  the Stamp eCalendar Terms and Conditions:

     a.       Reservations my have up to 10 bookings, with a limit of 1 booking per day, and only twice a semester.

     b.   The name of the organization must clearly be displayed.

     c.   Items can be installed after 8:30am on the first day of the reservation, and must be removed by 10 pm on the last  day of the reservation.  To gain access, the individual that made the reservation must stop at the Information  Desk to have it unlocked. Please bring your confirmation with you.

     d.  Cases unused at the end of the second reserved day will be forfeited and Event & Guest Services may reassign  the space.

     e.   Only tacks and staples may be used to fasten displays.

     f.      All item not claimed three business days after the conclusion of the reservation will be disposed.  Stamp is not  responsible for stolen or damaged materials.


The Stamp supports the community service efforts of registered student organizations and university departments by offering various donation collection opportunities.  Non-University entities are not allowed to solicit donations in the Stamp or any other campus location managed by the Event & Guest Services Office.

1.       Collection Bins

     a.       Collection Bins or the use of collection bins must be requested through the Stamp eCalendar.

     b.       The Stamp offers official donation collection bins for use by student organizations and university departments  for the purpose of collecting non-perishable items.

     c.       Use of alternative collection bins must be approved by the Guest Services Manager prior to being placed in the  Stamp.  The Guest Services Manager’s office is located adjacent to the Stamp Information Desk located in the  main lobby.

     d.      Bins can only be placed in the Stamp main lobby.

2.       Food and Beverages

     a.       To comply with the university's contract with Pepsi, any beverages and/or snacks donated by outside sponsors  must be produced or distributed by Pepsi Cola and be provided in pre-packaged portions.

     b.      Student organizations and university departments must provide a list of donated products to the Event & Guest  Services Office at least ten (10) business days prior to the event.

          i.            All donations must be approved by University Department of Dining Services.


The Stamp eCalendar is the official scheduling system for the Event & Guest Services Office.

1.       Student Organizations are required to use the eCalendar to make event reservations. 

     a.       Student organizations members must register for an account through TerpLink in order to gain access to the  eCalendar.

          i.     No more than 3 members of a student organization may have access to the eCalendar at one time.

          ii.     Only the president of the student organization can authorize which members will have access to the  eCalendar.

         iii.  Student organization representatives will have their eCalendar accounts automatically deactivated after one year (2 semesters) of non-use.

2.       University of Maryland Departments must use the eCalendar to make event reservations.

     a.       University department staff persons must register for an account to gain access to eCalendar. 

          i.            Only the head of a university department (director, dean, vice president) can authorize staff persons to  have access to the eCalendar and make event reservations on behalf of the department.

3.       Non-University Clients should use the eCalendar to submit event inquiries online.

     a.       Non-University users must use the guest user login feature to access the eCalendar.

4.       Event Scheduling Options.

     a.       Users are assigned Event Scheduling Options when accounts are created based upon their affiliation with the  university/Stamp.

          i.     Options are unique and provide users with specific access and limitations to campus spaces.

          ii.      Access and limitations are identified on the introduction page of each event option.

b.      All Event Scheduling Options have Terms and Conditions that must be agreed to by the user prior to submitting  an event request.

          i.            Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions binds the user and the organization or department they represent  to the contractual and financial obligations associated with the event.

          ii.            The Stamp reserves the right to update Terms and Condition at any time.  


1.Requests to use space must be submitted in eCalendar at least seven (7) days in advance.

2. Event start and end times must be approved in advance.

3. Events can only be scheduled to occur during the hours when the Stamp is open. 

     a. Clients, guests, and event vendors are not authorized to be inside the building when it is closed (outside the building hours). 

     b. UMD Dining Services and Food Court staff (i.e. Catering) are permitted to be in the building when it is closed since many of these employees are based in Stamp.  UMD Dining Services and Food Court staff (i.e. Catering) are not authorized to give clients, guests, and other vendors access to Stamp or spaces inside Stamp when it is closed, without specific authorization written from Event & Guest Services.

     c. Events cannot be held in the outdoor spaces managed by Stamp, when the Stamp building is not open.

     d. Once space is reserved, an event can only occur during the time frame listed on space reservation documentation (event start and event end times).

     e. For events occurring inside Stamp, clients can submit a request for the building to extend its building hours. Extended building hours can only occur on specific days of the week.  These requests must be submitted in writing to the Event Coordinator at least 10 business days prior to the event. All requests are subject to approval. If approved, there is an additional fee for having the building open with extended hours.  See the section below on Extended Hours for more information.

     f. The Memorial Chapel maintains its own hours of operation.

4. Meeting room doors will not be unlocked for clients more than 15 minutes prior to the event start time that is listed on event documentation. 

5. If the event start time listed on event documentation is the same time that the building is scheduled to open for the day, clients and guests will not have access to spaces inside the building until it has opened for the day.

6. At the event's end time, as listed on event documentation, the client must have all their items removed, and the space must be vacated.

7. If the event's end time, as listed on event documentation, is the same time that the building is scheduled to close for the day, clients and guests must end the program and vacate the building no later than the time the building is scheduled to close for the day. Generally event sponsors should plan to end events 30 minute prior to the time Stamp is scheduled to close for the day and/or 30 minutes before the event end time on their reservation documentation.

8. No events shall extend into overnight hours or continue beyond the operational hours of the Stamp

     a. See Extended Hours Policy

9. Student organizations are not permitted to schedule events to occur on Reading Days,  during Final Exam periods, or periods between academic semesters. 

      a. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis with appropriate justification and approval.


An event is any organized gathering that:

  • Requires the use of university spaces or facilities
  • Involves the attendance of a significant number of participants
  • Is planned in advance and advertised
  • Includes activities such as speeches, performances or other forms of presentation including displays, signs, banners, etc.

A reservation is required for events. Informal gatherings, such as a group of friends meeting for lunch in a designated public space, do not constitute and event, and do not require a reservation.  The reservation process is important for both the University and the event sponsor, as it ensures the proper allocation of resources, facilitates effective planning and security measures, and helps prevent scheduling conflicts.  

The Stamp classifies events based upon the following definitions

     1.                   Banner

     a.       A sign that is professionally produced and that is hung in the Stamp over the railing of the North atrium on the  ground level.

2.                   Booth

     a.       Small fixed display tables provided by the Stamp located at the north end of the food court.

3.                   Breakfast/Brunch

     a.       A morning sit down meal that will require a banquet style set up.

4.                   Class

     a.       A meeting of a group of students for instruction in an academic or non- academic area of study.  Stamp is not approved to host academic, credit bearing, classes.

5.                   Concert

     a.       A musical performance in which a number of singers or instrumentalists, or both, participate.

6.                   Conference

     a.       Official assemblies of a group of people of like professions, intentions and/or interests for the purpose of  education and sharing of ideas.

7.                   Cultural Event

     a.       Events or activities that cater to or are marketed toward a specific group of persons based upon ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or gender identity.

     b.      Events or activities that are designed to educate the public on the nature of a specific group of persons from a specific ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or gender identity.

8.                   Dinner

     a.       An  evening  sit down meal that will require a banquet style set up.

9.                   Display Case

     a.       Locked display cases located on the ground and first level of the Stamp used for the purpose of displaying  student organization, university department, and/or Stamp departmental unit paraphernalia and other marketing  items.

10.                 Expressive Activity

     a.       An "free speech" event that may include the carrying or display of signs or placards, leafletting, rallies, demonstrations, protests, speeches, parades, circulation of petitions and/or any other public demonstration.

11.               Fair

     a.       An event with multiple vendors, displays or presentations in one room.

12.               Flash Mob

     a.       A large public gathering at which people perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then disperse,  typically organized by means of the Internet or social media.

13.               Lecture/Speaker

     a.       An event in which a featured speaker will be formally speaking before an audience.

14.               Luncheon

     a.       A formal or informal lunch held in connection with a meeting or other special occasion requiring a banquet style  set up.

15.               Meeting

     a.       A gathering of a group or multiple groups to address formal business meeting pertaining to the group(s).

16.               Movie/Film/Sporting Event

     a.       An event in which a motion picture, television show, and/or sporting event will be viewed by a group of people. Event sponsors must have appropriate licensing for these viewings.

17.               Other

     a.       An event that does not fit into any of the event types listed.

18.               Outdoor Table-Stamp

     a.       A table located in the designated area outside of  Stamp for the purpose of authorized marketing and sales.

19.               Party

     a.       A social gathering open to UMD and Non-UMD guests in which in a DJ or live musical performer will be the  primary entertainment and the majority of attendees will not be seated.

20.               Performance/Play

     a.       A dramatic or other form of performance entertainment presented before an audience.

21.               Private Event

     a.       An event that the client does not wish to be publicized.

22.               Reception

     a.       A function or occasion when persons are formally received by the public.

23.               Set Up-Out of Service

     a.       Activities directly related to building operations that require a room to not be available due to extensive maintenance or event set-up requirements.

24.               Show/Competition

     a.       A performance for the purpose of entertainment and/or competition

25.               Social

     a.       A gathering intended for specific invited guests that does not fall into any other event type.

26.               Wedding Reception

     a.       A function or occasion when a wedding party is formally received by the public.

Prohibited Activities

Commercial Activities: The sale or promotion of commercial goods or services without the explicit permission from the University.  See Fundraising Policy

Blocking Traffic: Blocking any pedestrian or vehicular traffic is prohibited to ensure the free flow of movement and safety.

Disruptive Conduct: Any conduct deemed by the University to cause disruption to campus activities, including teaching, research and administrative functions is prohibited

Erection of Temporary or Permanent Structures: The unauthorized construction of erection of temporary or permanent structures on University grounds, including the creation of encampments, whether overnight or not is prohibited.

Overnight Occupancy: Overnight occupancy of public spaces by any individual or group is prohibited.


A link to the full Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces (VI-4.10(A)

For more information regarding the freedom of speech on campus go to:

This policy applies to members of the University community (students, faculty, and staff) and other individuals or parties who utilize University facilities and outdoor spaces. The University supports the rights of individual students, faculty, staff, and student organizations to engage in the expression of ideas, demonstrate, and leaflet, provided such activities are lawful and consistent with University policies.


Expressive Activity means any verbal or non-verbal expression and assembly protected by the First Amendment, including but not limited to public speaking, leafleting, posting, demonstrations, rallies, picketing, vigils, parades, and marches.

External User means a group or indvidual that is not a University academic or administrative unit, a Registered Student Organization, a University employee or employees acting within the scope of their employment, or a registered University student.

Internal User means a University academic or adminstrative unit, a Registered Student Organziation, a University employee or employees acting within the scope of their employement, or an individual or group of registered University students.

Registered Student Organization is a student group that is registered with the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) within the Division of Student Affairs as definded by the Unviersity of Maryland, College Park, Procedures for Student Organizations.

Rules for Expressive Activity

A. Individuals may not block or otherwise interfere with the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular, or other transportation modes. The right of way on streets and sidewalks must be maintained.

B. Individuals may not block or otherwise interfere with ingress and egress into and out of or within campus buildings.

C. Individuals shall not obstruct, disrupt, interrupt or attempt to force the cancellation of any Program hosted by the University or by any users authorized to use University facilities or outdoor spaces.

D. Individuals shall not engage in harassing, physically abusive, threatening or intimidating or lewd or obscene conduct toward any  person.

E. Individuals shall comply with the directions of a university official acting in the performance of their duty.

F. Classes or other scheduled activities shall not be disrupted.

G. Use of public address systems and amplified sound will not be permitted without prior approval from the University, through the relevant space manager. Those approved to use ampliflied sound are generally only permitted to use at the following days/times: Fridays (5pm - 10pm, Saturdays (10am - 10pm, and Sundays (12pm - 8p).

H. Where an invited speaker is the object of protest, individuals may engage in Expressive Activity outside the building where the speech is taking place. Individuals who wish to enter the building must do so as members of the audience  and must give the speaker a respectful hearing. Failure to grant the speaker a respectful hearing may result in the  offending persons being asked to leave. Any signs, banners, similiar items carried into the building must be constructed of materials that do not present a safety hazard and may not be attached to rigid materials such as sticks or poles. The use of such items may not deprive other of their rights or otherwise violate these rules. The University reserves the right to prohibit or restrict the carrying of such items into buildings when there is a reasonable expectation that it will compromise safety, interfere with ingress or egress, or deprive others of their rights such as interfering with others' ability to see, hear, or participate in the event.  

I. University property must be protected at all times.

J. In accordance with Maryland Annotated Code, Section 26-102 of the Education Article, individuals on university  property may be required to provide identification and evidence of qualification to a university official upon  request. Evidence of qualification means evidence that the individual is a bona fide, currently registered student,  staff or faculty member at the institution or has lawful activity to pursue at the university.

K. Individuals engaging in activities on University property are subject to and expected to comply with all applicable University policies, procedures, laws, regulations, and ordinances..

L. Registered student organizations that host Expressive Activity will be help responsible for compliance with this policy. However, this is no way relieves participating individuals of responsibility for their conduct. Each individual participating in Expressive Activity, whether hosted by a Registered Student Organization or not, is accountable for compliance with the provisions of the Policy and all other applicabe University policies and procedures, including the Code of Student Conduct.

M. Violation of the Policy may be grounds for discplinary action against both individuals and/or the sponsoring or participatng Registered Student Organizaitons and their officers.

Rules for Scheduled Expressive Activity for External Users

1.Scheduled Expressive Activity will be permitted in the following locations

     a. Designated sidewalk space outside the southeast entry to Stamp Student Union

     b. Designated space at Hornbake Plaza

2. Any such request by must be made to Stamp Event & Guest Services at least seven (7) days in advance of the activity. Requests should be submitted by using the Expressive Activity Registration Form in TerpLink.

3. Stamp Event & Guest Services will attempt to respond promptly to any reservation request.

4. External User requests will be considered on a first-come, first served basis after giving priority to Internal Users.

5. Reservations requests are approved based on the stated expected use of the space without regard to the content viewpoint of the Expressive Activity.

6. Reseravations are only valid for the date and time authorized by the University.

7. A copy of a confirmation summary must be made avaialble for inspection upon request by University officials.

Rules for Scheduled Expressive Activity for Internal Users

1.Scheduled Expressive Activity will be permitted in the following locations:

     a. McKeldin Mall

     b. Hornbake Plaza

     c. Stamp Student Union (Southeast Plaza)

     d. Nyumburu Amphitheater

2. Any such request must be made to Stamp Event & Guest Services at least seven (7) days in advance of the activity. Registered student organzations must submit all reservation requests via eCalendar. Individual students should submit requests via the Expressive Activity Registration Form in TerpLink

3. Reservation requests are approved based on the stated expected use of the space without regard to the content or viewpoint of the Expressive Activity.

4. In the event a reservation request is denied, an appeal may be made to the Vice President for Student Affairs who shall respond promptly to any such appeal

5. Scheduled Expressive Activity may be held in other locations on campus with the approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs on a first-come, first-served basis after an assessment that such activity will not interfer with scheduled University use or fail to comply with the Policy.

6. Student org events outside are limited to no more than four (4) hours. 

Rules for Unscheduled Expressive Acitivity by Internal Users

A. Expressive Activity by ten (10) or fewer University students, faculty, or staff may occur at any outdoor area without advance reservation.

B. Occasionally, events may occur that result in the sudden and immediate desire for Expressive Activity, and it is nto the intent of the Policy to limit University students, staff or faculty members' ability to hold such Expressive Events.

     i.University students, staff, and faculty who want to hold unscheduled (i.e. without a prior   reservation) may contact Stamp Event & Guest Services as soon as possible to request a reservation for the use of space. Such events are limited to one of the areas defined above. Stamp Event & Guest Services shall work with the individual(s) requesting to hold such event and shall determine whether such event can be help without requiring an advance reservation., taking into account factors such as the anticipated size and scope of such event, security and facility requirement, and the availabilty of University personnel.  The Unviersity retains authority to determine, in its sole discretion, whether to allow such unscheduled sponstaneous events, or to require the individual(s) to make a reservation.  Such events may not interfere with any functions for which that spaces has been reserved in advance. In addition, all other rules regarding Exprssive Activities shall apply.

     ii. University students, faculty, and staff may not cirumvent the usualy reservation requirements by claiming to be spontaneous.

     iii. In deciding whether Expressive Activity is spontaneous or planned, the Unviersity may consider any relevant evidence, including:

     a. Whether signs or placards used at the activity were commercially produced

     b. Whether partiipants used amplication equipment

     c. Whether security was alerted, or media contacted, substantially in advance or the activity

     d. Whether other circumstances demonstrate advance planning.

Prohibited Activities

Commercial Activities: The sale or promotion of commercial goods or services.

Blocking Traffic: Blocking pedstrian or vehicular traffic. 

Disruptive Conduct: Any conduct deemed by the University to cause disruption to campus activities, including teaching, research and administrative functions.

Erection of Temporary or Permanent Stuctures: Unauthorized construction or erection of temporary or permanent stuctures on University grounds, including the creating of encampments, whether overnight or not.

Overnight Occupancy: Overnight occupancy of public spaces by any individual or group.


 Internal Users may use chalk to create messages on approve surfaces subject to the following: 

1.    Chalking will only be permitted  at the following locations:

  • Designated sidewalk space outside the southeast entry to Stamp Student Union
  • Hornbake Plaza

2.  Chalking in these designated areas will be subject to regular maintenance and cleaning by University staff, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 3am - 5am.

3.  If there are approved events scheduled in these areas, the University will remove chalking at the designated area prior to the event.

4. Messages may only be written on flat horizontal surfaces of sidewalks that exposed to the open sky.

5. No messages may be written on vertical surfaces, including but not limited to walls, buildings, pillars, posts, benches, doors, trash or recycling receptacles, or kiosks.

6.  Messages must be written in chalk that is water soluble. Approved chalk includes commercially sold sidewalk chalk. Spray chalk and artist pastels are not permitted.  

6.  Anyone who chalk in violation of these rules may be held responsible for costs incurred by the University for removal.    


Individiduals may engage in leafleting in accordance with the Policy and subject to the following:

1.Individuals may set up their own table for leafleting and are responsible for disassembly of the tables and general clean-up

2. Leafleting does not include littering. All individuals are expected to refrain from littering and may be held responsible for costs incurred as the result of littering. Leaving materials unattended on a surface to be picked up is considered littering.

3. Internal users may engage in leafleting without registration or advance approval from any University outdoors space, the use of which is not otherwise restricted or reserved.

4. Exterrnal user may engage in leafleting in designated areas for Expressive Activity.


Events held in the indoor and outdoor spaces managed by the Adele H. Stamp Student Union must be held within the established hours of operation of the building. 

In an effort to support new and creative events and activities that Stamp does allow for student organizations, university departments, and non-university clients to have events that extend beyond the posted building hours, for an additional fee.

1.       Clients must submit a request to have their approved events take place beyond posted building hours at least ten (10) business days prior to the event.

     a.       All requests for extended building hours must be submitted in writing to the assigned Event Coordinator.

     b.      All requests for extended hours are subject to the approval of the Assistant Director of Event & Guest Services or their designee.

     c.      If approved, all clients are required to pay an hourly fee for the extended hours. 

2.       Extended building hours will not exceed Sun - Thurs: 7am - 12am; and Fri - Sat: 7am -  3am.

     a. Events must be scheduled to end prior at least 30 minutes prior to the closing of the building to ensure that there is time for the host to clean up and to give all guests time to exit the building prior to building closing.

     b. Stamp will not host overnight events.

3.       The Stamp will guarantee  that a minimum of 2 staff (a Building Manager along with an Event Assistant or Guest Services Assistant) will be provided as staff during extended building hours.

     a.       Additional staffing may be required based on the magnitude of the event.  Additional staffing includes but is not  limited to Housekeeping, Maintenance, Dining Services, Event Support, and AV staffing

     b.      During extended building hours clients will only have access to the rooms that have already been reserved.

     c.      Access to common areas is not guaranteed and is subject to approval.

4. Exceptions

    a.  The hours of use for academic classrooms spaces is determined by the Academic Scheduling Office, and can not be extended.

   b.  Stamp building hours will not be extended to accommodate any expanded event times for events taking place in outdoor event spaces. Outdoor events may only occur during normal (not extended) Stamp building hours.


1.       Individual students and/or employees of the University may not reserve space for commercial purposes.

2.       Student organizations may not act as agents for university departments, off-campus persons or organizations in order to  receive discounted student organization rates for use of space and/or equipment.

3.       University departments may not act as agents for off-campus vendors or organizations to receive discounted department rates for use of space and/or equipment.

4.       Student Organizations, University Departments and Non-University clients may not reserve space for individuals or  organizations that are not directly involved with the event or the requesting organization.

5.       Any student organization, university department, or non-university client that violates this policy is subject to  sanctions, including paying for the space at the highest appropriate rental rate, or having the reservation cancelled.

6.  Also refer to the Co-Sponsoring section of this policy manual.


1.       Solicitations

     a.       Sales and/or solicitations by university departments and  student organizations are viable on campus  fundraising opportunities for the department or student organization. Soliciting funds for sponsored events or charitable organizations is encouraged.  Off-campus vendors may not sell, solicit, market, and/or promote merchandise or retail or corporate businesses. No group or individual can sell items or solicit funds on campus for any individual's personal profit/gain.

2.       Concessions/Sales/Distribution

     a.       Student Organizations and University Departments

          i. May reserve a Stamp Outdoor Table for the specific purpose of fundraising through the sale of items.  .

          ii. Booth space in the Stamp Food Court may also be reserved (for a fee) for fundraising activities with the  exception of the sale of food or tickets. 

          iii. Campus groups may sell (or distribute) items which fall into one of the following five (5) categories:

1.      Bake Sales:  Homemade baked goods produced by the organization that do not require heating or cooling in order  to be served (cupcakes, brownies, cookies, cakes, candies, doughnuts, etc.)

     a. Baked goods should be individually wrapped. Plastic bags and plastic wrap are acceptable. A label must be on each individual package with the following information in 10pt font or larger: Product name; Ingredients in descending order; Allergen information (Milk, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Tree nut, Peanuts, Wheat, Soybeans, Sesame).  

     b. Pre-packaged, non-perishable, sealed beverages and snacks such as Aqua Fina Water, Dole Fruit juice, Frito Lay potato chips, etc. are allowed. Commercially produced donuts (Krispy Kreme, Dunkin) must be served by individuals wearing hats/hair coverings, and wearing food service gloves, and using food contact utensils.

     c. Food items containing custards, meats, cheese, rice, alcohol, ice, and any other foods that require cooling to less than 41 F degrees F or heating to more than 135 F degrees to be served safely requires a Temporary Food Service Permit from the PG County Health Department (PG Health Dept)

    d. Food items that are considered to be in direct competition with Dining Services sales are prohibited.

     e. Other food items or food items produced by other vendors for resale must be approved by the Prince George’s County Health Department. A valid Temporary Food Service Permit must be presented to the Stamp Event & Guest Services Office before the event request will be confirmed and prior to the start of the event. Information pertaining to PG County Health Permits can be found at PG Health Dept

     f. Beverages must be manufactured or distributed by Pepsi. This does not apply to hot chocolate, freshly brewed coffee or tea, or bottled water in containers larger than 1-gallon. Complete Pepsi product list  

    g. Proper food handling precautions must always be taken including use of food serving utensils, gloves for anyone handling food, and hair coverings.

2.       Items must be directly related to the organization's mission or goals (i.e., apples sold by the  agriculture club, plants sold by the horticulture club, etc.) Items not produced by the organization but related to the organizations mission or to promote school spirit must be purchased outright by the organzations for resales. 

3.       Items promoting school spirit (buttons, balloons, etc.) as long as all item are in full compliance with University licensing policies.  Items not produced by the organziation must be purchased outright by the group for re-sale.

4.       Holiday sales (candy/flowers for Valentine's Day or candy for Halloween)

5.       Items promoting a group or event (t-shirts with group or event name)

     iv.       The Event & Guest Services Office reserves the right to review the contractual agreements between any  vendor and student organization before approving the concessions request.

     v.      All sales must be conducted by current members of the organization. Non-members  and non-students are prohibited from participating in student organization concessions.

     vi.     Tables set up for concession sales must display a sign indicating the organization's name, item or  items being sold, and prices. Members conducting concession sales (or distribution) must bring their  UMD ID cards to the location of the sale, as well as a copy of their Stamp Confirmation. 

     vii.    To solicit money for charities, members of the student organization are required to provide proof that the  money will be submitted to the charity. A representative of the charity must write a letter verifying their  knowledge of the event and its intent. This letter must be received in the Event & Guest Services Office  five (5) business days before the event.

     viii.   All fundraisers must leverage the use of electronic money exchange (e.g. Venmo, Zelle, etc.) instead of collecting cash. Collecting cash funds could result in a need to have UMPD or other university approved security present to prevent theft.

     ix.  If a Temporary Food Service Permit and/or PG County Special Event Permit are required for an event, all permits must be submitted to Event & Guest Services prior to receiving a confirmation and prior to the event. The sponsoring organization is responsible

     x.  Only University Departments can arrange for Food Trucks to come to campus. The department must have a fully executed Right of Entry Agreement signed by the appropriate Vice President.  In addition, all PG County Health Department policies must be followed and permits obtained.

     b.      Non-University organizations are not allowed to sell or promote any merchandise or services on the UMD  campus.


3.       Raffles (an other gaming activities)

The following is a general summary of the State of Maryland and Prince George’s County laws for obtaining a permit  to conduct a raffle or other gaming activities (bingo, silent auctions, pull tabs, etc.) The County refers to these activities as a Benefit Performance.  The term raffle refers to one or more drawings from a single series of chances sold by means of  chance tickets.  Guidelines include the following:

     a)      A raffle may be conducted by a charitable foundation that:

          i.            Is exempt from taxation under 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;

          ii.            Is affiliated with a professional football team that plays its home games in Prince George’s County; and

          iii.            Has an office and conducts operations in Prince George’s County.

     b)      A permit is required before conducting a raffle.  Permits are issued through the Prince George's County. Additional information on Benefit Performance and Charitable Gaming and Raffel permits can also be found here.

     c)       Raffles are permitted in Prince George’s County; however they require a permit prior to holding them. 

     d)      The organization must be a non-profit to be eligible to apply for a permit.  Proof of non-profit status is  required.   Proof may include a copy of a written IRS ruling indicating the non-profit status of the organization.

     e)      A permit is not required if the cumulative value of the prizes is $199 or less.  Keep in mind, even if the prizes  are donated, they still have a (market) value.


Student Organizations and non-university clients may be required to obtain liability insurance for events deemed to involve risk or liability to university students, personnel, facilities, equipment or community members. It is important to note that student organizations are not covered by the University's general liability insurance.

1.       Review

     a.       All events are reviewed by the Stamp Event & Guest Services Office for potential liability to the university.

     b.      Events that are deemed to have any liability to the university are forwarded to the University Risk Management  Office for review. The parameters that can affect the need for a client to have liability insurance, include:

Size of the event

Food approved from a non-university vendor

Event involving any non-university vendors

Events involving sports or physical activity 

Events that could result in property damage

Events involving animals

Walk/Run events

Events with a non-university speaker/performer

Events advertised to the general public

Event involving minors (under age 18)

Events that require UMPD or other security

2.       Requirements

     a.       The acceptable form of this documentation is a certificate of insurance showing evidence of general liability  insurance to cover the event and use of University facilities.

          i.            The certificate of insurance must provide a minimum of $1 million in coverage limits

          ii.            The certificate of insurance must include the University of Maryland as the certificate holder and as  an additional named insured for the event and use of facilities.

          iii.            The certificate of insurance should be sent two weeks prior to the event to: University of Maryland,  DES-Risk Management, 3115 Chesapeake, College Park, MD 20740

3.       T.U.L.I.P.

          a.       Student Organizations, University Departments and Non-University Clients may purchase liability insurance  coverage through the Urmia Tenants User Liability Insurance Program


The Information Desk handles lost and found items for the Stamp and the campus. Items found on campus or in the Stamp can be brought to the Information Desk. Call or visit the Information Desk if you have lost an item; you must be able to specifically identify the lost item.  In order to retrieve a lost item you must also present a valid UMD ID or government issued ID.   Stamp Information Desk: 301-314-3375

The lost and found is emptied at the end of each month.  Remaining valuable items are taken to the Campus Police.

The University of Maryland Department of Public Safety houses the overall campus lost and found.  To inquire about a lost item please visit the University of Maryland Police Department website or call at (301) 405-5730. 


MEDIA (Filming & Photography) 

The University permits filming and photography in public outdoor spaces on campus. News media are not permitted to film or photograph inside any building without explicit permission from University Communications. News media that plan to film or photograph on campus should notify University Communications in advance at

All commercial filming and photography must be coordinated and approved in advance through University Communications filming application. Applications must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the film/photography date. Questions regarding filming should be directed to

In Stamp, filming and photography is permitted inside individual meeting rooms as long as the event  sponsor authorizes these actions. The event sponsor is responsible for informing event participants about filming or photography during events. Individual participants should give consent to be filmed/photographed and to have their image used in the future.  



Groups planning to show all or part of a movie, television show or sporting event in a public venue or anywhere outside a private residence, must have a license. Use of personal subscriptions to streaming platforms (i.e. Hulu, Apple TV, Netflix, ESPN, etc...) to show a movie, television show, or sporting event is not permitted in public venues or any location that is not a provide residence. The Stamp Student Union is considered a public venue. Stamp requires proof of proper licensing.

Groups interested in hosting an advanced screening of a film in partnership with a film studio or relevant marketing company (i.e. Universal, NBC, etc.) must work with and through Student Entertainment Events (SEE).

Some professional sport leagues (i.e. NFL, FIFA)  require licenses to host watch parties for sporting events in any location that is not a private residence.

Criterion and Swank are two of the most popular licensing agencies. Licenses typically cost $300 - $900. There are some limited special allowances for faculty using films, movies, tv shows as part of an academic course for educational purposes. Academic course are not taught in the Stamp Student Union.

Showing a film, movie, television show, or sporting event without the proper licensing is a violation of copyright laws.  



In order to ensure a safe social environment for student organizations and their guests this policy details the responsibility of student organization leaders in the planning of party/social events.  A party/social event is defined as a social gathering open to UMD and Non-UMD guests in which a a DJ or live entertainment will be the primary entertainment and the majority of attendees will not be seated.  

Events with a DJ or live entertainment with a contract value of $5,000 or higher will need to follow the policy for hosting a concert/major entertainment event.

Providing space for non-university entitles to host or sponsor a party/social function on campus that is open to the public is not part of the mission of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union-Center for Campus Life, and therefore will not be permitted.

1.       Scheduling

  • Clients must submit requests for events through the Stamp eCalendar.
  • Requests must be submitted no less than 20 business days in advance. Event requests submitted with less 20 business days in advance will be denied.
  • These events can only be held during the fall and spring semesters when regular classes are in session.

2.      Attendance

  • Events can be open to both UMD and non-UMD guests
  • The attendance break down must include a minimum of 2/3 current UMD students, and a maximum of 1/3 current non-UMD university students
  • Events that do not meet the above attendance breakdown will need to follow the policy for hosting a concert/major entertainment event.

3.     Pre-Event Meeting

 A representative of the sponsoring organization(s) must participate in a pre-event meeting with their Event Coordinator no less than 10 business days prior to the scheduled event to discuss and finalize all event details and logistics. 

4.     Safety/Security 

The student organization event sponsor(s) may select one of the following approved options for their event:

     a. UMPD and CSC Security

     b. Stamp Student Safety/Security Team

     c. Hybrid (a combination of the above listed options)

     d. Also refer to the security policy listed later in this docuent

The selected safety/security option will be responsible for the following elements that include but are not limited to:

  • Crowd Management
    • Line Management
    • Bag Checks
    • Venue Safety
    • Access Control
  • Ticket & ID Verification and Event Entry
    • Ticket Scanning
    • ID checks
    • Wrist banding (if applicable)

The specific number of staff needed to monitor an event will vary based on the size of the venue space and the number of anticipated participants. All fees for security are the responsibility of the client.

The student organization event sponsor(s) must provide a minimum of two (2) sober event monitors. One event monitor will be stationed outside the event space, and one event monitor will be stationed inside the event space.

5.     Ticket Services

  • Events must be ticketed, and tickets will be scanned at the door for entry
  • All other polices and procedures related to ticket services apply to party/social events
  • The number number of tickets available cannot exceed the approved occupancy for the specific venue space
  • All event participants, including the entertainment and members of the sponsoring student organization(s), must be included in the total number tickets available.
  • All ticket sales or ticket distributions must be manged through the Stamp Ticket Office.  The student organization event sponsor(s) is responsible for determining event ticket pricing for participants.
  • Non-UMD student participants may be asked to enter the name of their university and their student ID number at the time of ticket purchase.

6.     Event Entry

  • Food and beverages may not be brought into the event space
  • Each participant must present a valid university ID along with a valid event ticket for entry
  • There will be no re-entry to the event, if a participants leaves
    • Access to restrooms will be provided
  • Individuals visibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol or in possession of drugs or alcohol will not be admitted to the event will be required to leave the Stamp Student Union facility.
  • No bags will be permitted into into the event, with the following exceptions:
    • Bags that are clear plastic or vinyl and do not exceed 12"x6"x12"
    • Quart size, or smaller, clear plastic storage bags (Ziploc or similar)
    • Small clutch bags measuring not more than 4.5"x6.5" with or without a strap/handle
    • The list of prohibited bags and containers includes: purses, backpacks, drawstring bags, fanny packs, luggage, computer bags/briefcases, water bottles, cups, fast food takeaway bags.

Participants should leave unauthorized items at home or in their vehicles. The Stamp Student Union will not safeguard items that are not permitted.

7.       Event Logistics

  • A stage limited to 8’x12’ can be requested for the entertainment
  • A limited number of  chairs can be requested to be placed around the perimeter of the room to allow guests a place to rest 
  • Water Station
    • The student organization event sponsor(s) is responsible for the management of a water station for the duration of the event, which includes but is not limited to (re)filling beverage containers, and clean up 
    • Event & Guest Services will provide cups, large beverage containers, and access to a water supply
  • The student organization event sponsor (s) also have the option of using Stamp approved catering options to provide food and/or beverage options for participants
  • Party/Social events cannot be categorized as cultural events eligible for a catering waiver

8.      Advertisement

  • All advertisements must clearly communicate ticket pricing, college ID required at time of purchase and at the door, and the no bag policy
  • All advertising must include the name of the sponsoring organization(s) as it appears in Terp Link
  • Advertising should be phrased as “(Sponsoring group name) at the University of Maryland”


The Stamp accepts payments in the form of Kuali Financial System (KFS) account transfers, Internal Service Request (ISR) account transfers, as well as credit cards.  Credit card payments can only be submitted online. The use of checks for payment must be requested and approved in advance.  Cash is not accepted.

1.       Student Organizations

     a.       Payments using Student Government Association funds or SEE funds must be submitted to Event & Guest Services in the form of an ISR. Finalized ISR payment forms must be submitted at the Stamp Information Desk as payment for events.

          i.            It is the clients responsibility to submit ISR request paper work to SGA or SEE far enough in advance to ensure that  deposit due dates and final payment due dates are met.

     b.      Payments using credit cards must be submitted online at

          i.            Clients must take into consideration that online credit card payments submitted online can take up  to two business days to post to accounts.

          ii.            It is the clients responsibility to make online payments far enough in advance to ensure that deposit  due dates and final payment due dates are met. 

     c.       Payments using a university department KFS account must be submitted to the Event & Guest Services in writing from an authorized university staff employee from the university department. 

          i.            It is the clients responsibility to submit required information far enough in advance to ensure that  deposit due dates and final payment due dates are met.

          ii.  Once a deposit and final payments has been processed it is final. Refunds and re-billing are not permitted because the client wants to change the method of payment.

2.       University Departments

     a.       The university departments KFS number must be submitted in eCalendar at the time of the initial request. 

          i.            Failure to provide a KFS account number at the time of the initial request may result in the delay or  cancellation of services.

     b.      Payments using credit card should not be necessary for a University Department.

          i.            Client must take into consideration that credit card payments submitted online can take up to  two business days to post to our system.

          ii.            It is the clients responsibility to make online payments far enough in advance to ensure that deposit  due dates and final payment due dates are met. 

          iii.    Once a deposit or final payment has been processed it is final.  Refunds and re-billing are not permitted because the client wants to change the method of payment.

3.       Stamp Departmental Units

     a.       The units KFS number must be submitted in eCalendar at the time of the initial request.

          i.            Failure to provide KFS account information at the time of the initial request may result in the delay or  cancellation of services.

          ii. Once  a deposit or final payment has been processed it is final. Refunds and re-billing are not  permitted because the client wants to change the method of payment.

     b.      Payments using credit card should not be necessary for Stamp Departmental Units

          i.            Client must take into consideration that credit card payments submitted online can take up to  two business days to post in our system. 

          ii.            It is the clients responsibility to make online payments far enough in advance to ensure that deposit  due dates and final payment due dates are met. 

          iii. Once a deposit or final payment has been processed it is final.  Refunds and re-billing are not  permitted because the client wants to change the method of payment.

4.       Non-University

     a.       Payments using credit card must submitted online at

          i.            Online credit card payments  can take up to two business days to post to to our system.

          ii.            It is the clients responsibility to make online payments far enough in advance to ensure that deposit  due dates and final payment due dates are met.

          iii. Once a deposit or final payment as Been processed it is final.  Refunds and re-billing are not permitted  because the clients wants to change the method of payment.  


Raffles and other gaming events can be allowed, but are governed by the Prince George’s County Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement. Permit requirements and an application information are available here.

gaming event is generally a carnival, bazar, or raffle, and also includes bingo, benefit performances, and any other event at which a gaming device is operated.

Casino Nights are prohibited if there are money winnings or tokens redeemable in money

Organizations that host a raffle must be a qualified organization (i.e. non-profit) to be eligible to apply for a permit

  • A permit is not required if the cumulative value of the prizes is $199 or less. Prizes that are donated still have a dollor value based on their maket value.
  • Raffle tickets are not tax-deductable for the purchaser

Requirements for an permit application include:

  •          The name of the group or organization and a list of the names and address of all officers and directors
  •          A  complete statement of the purposes and objectives of the group or organization and the purpose for  which the proceeds from the raffle will be used.
  •          Copy of a written ruling, 501(c) (3) or similar, from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), indicating the non-profit status  of the organization.
  •          A list of merchandise and/or cash that will be awarded as prizes
  •          An application fee 


The Stamp will provide refunds on a case by case basis

1.       Deposits

     a.       Deposits will be refunded only if services cannot be rendered due to an Act of God or circumstances that are beyond the control of the Stamp or the University of Maryland.

2.       Room Charges

     a.       Room charges will be refunded or a portion thereof in the event that the Stamp does not provide services based upon the agreed event specification as indicated in eCalendar or Lease Agreement.

     b.      All requests for room charges to be refunded must be approved by the Assistant Director of Event & Guest Services.

3.       Service Charges

     a.       Service charges will be refunded or a portion thereof in the event that the Stamp does not provide services based upon the agreed event specification as indicated in eCalendar or Lease Agreement.

     b.      All requests for Service Charges to be refunded must be approved by the Assistant Director of Event & Guest Services.

4.        Request for Refunds

     a.       Request for refunds must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Director of Event & Guest Services within five (5) business days after the last day of the event.


The Stamp Event & Guest Services department reserves the right to render sanctions against any student organization, university department or non-university client that violates any policies of the Stamp or the University of Maryland.

1.       Violation Review

     a.       The Assistant Director of Event & Guest Services will request a Sanction Meeting with the violator within 5 business days of the violation.

     b.      All violations will be reviewed for sanctions by the Assistant Director of Event & Guest Services.

     c.       Sanctions will be issued to violators in writing and/or via email within 5 business days of the Sanction Meeting.

2.       Cancellation of Service

     a.       Events that are already scheduled but have not taken place maybe canceled by the Event & Guest Services Office.

          i.   Charges paid before final payment due date will be refunded provided the cancellation occurs more than five business days prior to the first day of the event.

3.       Fines

     a.       The client (individual or group/department) can be required to pay fines not to exceed the amount of repair or replacement of damaged or destroyed Stamp property.

     b.      The client (individual or group/department) can be charged the full rental rates.

     c.       Fines not paid within thirty days of notice of sanction will result in suspension of service.

4.       Suspension of service

     a.       The client (individual or group/department) will be denied access to the Stamp eCalendar.

     b.      The client (individual or group/department) event requests will be denied.

5.        Appeal

     a.       Appeals to sanctions must be made in writing to the Stamp Advisory Board.

     b.      Appeals must be submitted ten (10) business days after the sanction is issued to the Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life.

     c.       The decision of the Stamp Advisory Board is final.


All events are subject to a security review by the University of Maryland Police Department (UMPD) at the recommendation of the Stamp Event & Guest Services Office. Information regarding University Police Department special events policies can be found at

UMPD has sole responsibility for providing police and security functions on the University campus.  This means that groups may not contract with any off-campus agency for policing, parking, or security of events held on campus. Police and security needs must be discussed with UMPD and, if it determines that a need exists, UMPD will provide or facilitate the resources.

UMPD will make security determinations that, in its professional judgement, will address security threats identified as a result of the evaluation. The goals of UMPD's security determinations will be to:

i. Minimize risks to health and safety of the event participants and audience

ii. Minimize risks to the campus and surrounding community

iii. Maximize the ability of the event sponsors to successfully hold the event

iv. Protect the rights of free expression by the event sponsors, participants, and community

The number of personnel and amount/type of equipment charged will be based on the UMPD assessment, including but not limited to the following criteria:

  1. The type of event and number of anticipated attendees/participants
  2. Event venue, including the venue size, location, number of entrances and exists to be staffed, maximum occupancy requirements, and ticketing/check-in procedures
  3. The day and time of the event
  4. The history of similar events and/or of performer/speakers at other locations
  5. Whether the event is open and/or advertised to the entire University community and/or non-affiliates of the University, or restricted to guests of the event sponsor
  6. Whether the proposed event involves activity the poses inherent risk of personal injury or property damage
  7. Whether alcohol will be served
  8. Whether there will be sales of food, beverages, or other items and whether cash handling will occur
  9. Whether event performers/speakers come with personal security teams or details
  10. Whether event sponsors request additional security measures

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in determining whether security costs shall be imposed, and the amount of any such costs, the University may not consider the content or viewpoints of the speech expressed or intended to be expressed by the event sponsors, speakers, guests, or attendees.

The Stamp Event & Guest Services Office will notify the event sponsor of any security determinations/requirements in planning for the event. Stamp will always support the security recommendations provided by UMPD. The event sponsors are responsible for all security costs, except that security costs associated with events at which an elected official is an invited speaker will be the responsibility of the University President's Office. The term "elected official" will normally include United States President and Vice President, Maryland Governor and Lieutenant Governor, representatives of the United States Congress, or Maryland General Assembly.  

UMPD generally provides the final bill for the event after it is over.  Payment is generally due within 30 days after the event or the the direction of UMPD.  The Stamp Event & Guest Services Office and UMPD reserve the right to cancel, at any time, any event that poses a security risk to University students, faculty, staff, facilities, or equipment.


The University of Maryland is a smoke free campus.  The University of Maryland smoking policy can be found at Smoking includes:  1. inhaling, exhaling, or carrying lighted tobacco products; and 2. burning vaporizing, or aerosolizing tobacco, nicotine, or any other material or substance to be inhaled.

STAMP FREE EVENTS (Student Organizations)

In an effort to stimulate student sponsored programming within the Stamp student organizations are given a limited amount of events in which the room rental cost is waived.

1.       Student Organizations will be allowed 60 hours of free events per fall and spring semesters in Stamp meeting rooms.

     a.       Unused free event hours cannot roll over into the following semester.

     b.      Free event cannot be used during the summer or winter semester (January).

     c.       Colony ballroom, Grand ballroom, Atrium, Calvert, Charles Carroll, Crossland, Prince George's rooms, and  the Hoff Theater are not eligible for free events.

2.       Free Events are limited to two (2) room setup options: A maximum auditorium set up which includes chairs and one head table OR a cleared room (no furniture).  Room furniture  must be arranged in exactly the maximum auditorium setup at the end of the event.  If the furniture is rearranged the  student organization will be charged for use of the room

     a.       Requests for a different room set up and/or additional equipment or services will negate this policy and the event will incur all  regular room rental charges (tables, coat racks, room dividers, stanchions, easels, sign holders).

     b.   Failure to cancel a FREE room within the normal cancellation deadline, will result in the student organization being charged the full student org rate for the room.

     3.       Additional equipment (AV equipment and services, linen, pipe and drape, etc.) can be provided at regular student organization rental rates, for FREE events.

4.       Student Organizations are permitted to use the reservable spaces in the Stamp for any programs that are permitted  within the policies of the Stamp.

     a.       All events are subject to review and additional approvals may be required.


1.       General

     a.       Authorized table spaces are located outside the Stamp Student Union at the near the Southeast entry, and three (3) booths located in the Stamp’s food court seating area.

     b.      A limit of ten (10) bookings per reservation at the outdoor location may be reserved in advance.  Only one table  per day/per group is allowed between all locations.

     c.       Reservation requests are made via the eCalendar.

     d.      Additional tables may be reserved as needed, subject to availability.

     e.      The group must display a legible sign on the table indicating the name of the organization.

     f.        Activity is limited to the table space only.

          i.         Banners, flyers, and signs may not be affixed to the building, ground, benches, trees, or railings.

          ii.       Free standing display items, such as easels or flip charts must be kept directly behind the assigned table  space.

     g.       Amplified sound or live music is not permitted at table spaces.

     h.      Authorized representatives of the registered student organization or university department must staff the table at all times.

          i.         Representatives should be prepared to show identification and a copy of the reservation confirmation  upon request by the University Police and/or Stamp employees.

          ii.       Representatives should remain behind or beside the table/booth.

          iii.         Groups must use Stamp provided tables.  Use of other tables must be approved by the Event and Guest Services  Office in advance.

2.       Student Organizations

     a.       Registered Student Organizations are allowed to use designated Table/Vending locations for the purpose of  marketing their organization to the campus community.

          i.         Stamp  Outdoor Table

               1.       Fundraising is permitted at this location.

               2.       The Stamp will provide one 3' x 6' table and set it up at the designated space at no charge.

               3.       Reservation times are limited to 9:00am-5:00pm.

               4.       Student organizations who do not claim their table within an hour of the reservation time will  forfeit their space and the space may be reassigned.

          ii.       Stamp Food Court Booth

               1.       Rental fee applies for this location.

               2.       The Stamp will provide one booth at the designated location.

               3.       Reservation times are limited to 9:00am - 6:00pm.

     b.      Student Organizations are allowed to sell products and merchandise in designated locations as outlined in the  Fundraising Policy.

3.       University Departments

     a.       University Departments are allowed to use designated Table/Vending locations for the purpose of marketing their department to the campus community or to promote a program that directly services UMD students

          i.         Stamp  Outdoor Table

               1.       The Stamp will provide one 3' x 6' table which will be set up at the designated space at no charge.

               2.       Reservation times are limited to 9:00am-5:00pm.

               3.       Departments who do not claim their table within an hour of the reservation time will forfeit their  space and the space may be reassigned.

          ii.       Stamp Food Court Booth

               1.       Rental fee applies for this location.          

               2.       The Stamp will provide one booth at the designated location.

               3.       Reservation times are limited to 9:00am-6:00pm.

     b.      University Departments are allowed to sell products and merchandise in designated locations based upon the  Fundraising Policy.

     c.       University Departments are allowed to sponsor non-university organizations for employment recruitment  purposes only.

          i.         The university department must make all arrangements for the non-university organization

          ii.       The university department is responsible for all legal and financial liability

          iii.      the non-university organization is not permitted to sell/market merchandise or services

          iv.     the non-university organization must comply with all other Stamp policies

4.       Stamp Tenants

     a.       Stamp Tenants are allowed to use designated Table/Vending locations for the purpose of marketing their  services to the campus community.

          i.         Stamp Food Court Booth

               1.       Departmental rental fees apply for this location

               2.       The Stamp will provide one booth at the designated location

               3.       Reservation times are limited to 9:00am-6:00pm.

     b.      Stamp Tenants are allowed to sponsor non-university organizations

          i.         the Stamp Tenant  must make all arrangements for the non-university organization

          ii.       use of the space must conform to all Stamp and University of Maryland policies.

          iii.      the Stamp Tenant is responsible for all legal and financial liability

5.       Non-University

     a.       Non University entities are not allowed to independently reserve Stamp tables or vending space.  Non- university groups may seek to reserve space through the University Career Center, if appropriate, or discuss  sponsorship opportunities with the Stamp Development Coordinator. Non University groups may not sell or  promote good or services on campus.

    b. Non-university entities entities must complete a specific form to request use of outside table space.  Interested individuals or groups should contact Event & Guest Services for additional information.


1.       Requirements

     a.       Registered Student Organizations do not share the university’s tax exempt status.

     b.      All events taking place on campus in which sales transactions take place are subject to Maryland sale and amusement taxes. It is the responsibility of the event sponsor to file and pay all applicable taxes.

     c.       The University of Maryland is not responsible for filing tax information on behalf of clients


1.       The Stamp  offers a full array of audio-visual equipment and services for events held in the Stamp.

     a.       Stamp does not provide technical support or technology equipment outside of the Stamp building.

     b.      Technology equipment, sound systems and technical assistance is available for all scheduled events including, but not  limited to speakers, concerts, parties, conferences, and cultural events.

     c.       Some equipment requires the use of a dedicated operator which may incur labor charges in addition to the equipment rental.

          i.        Outside (non-university) companies can be hired to provide technical support to an event in the Stamp.  Event & Guest Services must be notified of all non-university vendors no less than 10 business days prior to the event.

     d.      Requests for technology equipment must be submitted via the Stamp eCalendar or in writing to the assigned Event Coordinator

          i.        Requests made with less than 5 business days’ notice will incur a 50% late charge.

     e.      The Stamp reserves the right to deny requests submitted less than 5 business days in advance.

2.       Classroom and Lecture Halls

     a.       For security reasons, access to technology in classrooms is restricted. 

     b.      Faculty members are given access to the classroom technology and can request access for others who are officially associated with a course, such as grad assistants. 

     c.       Access also is provided to staff that support faculty users or those who maintain and repair the technology.  

     d.      For student organizations, access is provided to the faculty or staff member who sponsors the organization but not to the students who are members.

     e.       For rooms without installed technology students would need to bring their own equipment.

     f.        Additional information about technology in classrooms can be found at  

3.       Campus

     a.       Facilities Management can provide a variety of AV Services, including sound systems, podiums, lighting, generators, etc. A request for services may be placed by phone at (301) 405-2222, or on-line at and click on Request for Services.

    b.        There are limits on the use of amplified sound in outdoor spaces.  See Amplified Sound policy.

4.       Memorial Chapel

     a.       Customers can request sound equipment for the Chapel through the Chapel Office. All of the sound equipment is included in the price of the rental.


The Stamp offers ticket services for clients hosting events in the Stamp and other locations at the University of Maryland.

1.       General terms

     a.       The Stamp Ticket Office is the sole ticket producer and distributer for events taking place in the Stamp.

          i.            Events in which an admission fee is charged must be managed through the Stamp Ticket Office.

          ii.           Events where there are concerns about exceeding room capacity or crowd management, will be required to be ticketed.

          iii.          Clients must submit a completed Ticket Information Form in advance.

     b.      Clients are required to select from one of the ticket sale options offered.

          i.             Ticket sales options can be found at

          ii.            Only one ticket sales option can be used per event.

          iii.            Ticket sales options or any part of the sales option cannot be altered after ticket sales have begun.

          iv.            Ticket counts may not exceed the capacity of the venue as indicated by the room set up.

          v.           Ticket set up fees will not be refunded after ticket sales have begun.

     c.       Stamp ticket sales options cannot be combined with any other outside ticket sales systems.

     d.      On-site scanning services are required for events in which there are concern's about exceeding room capacity or crowd management, or when having a ticket to enter the must be verified. 

     e.      Clients must provide all required ticket information at least 10 business days prior to the event in order to receive ticket services.   The Stamp Ticket Office will not provide ticket services with partial or incomplete information.

     f.        The Stamp reserves the right to require ticket distribution for events deemed to be potentially problematic due to capacity or crowd management concerns.

     g.       The Stamp reserves the right to cancel events or ticket services for events in which any part of this policy has been violated by the client voluntarily or involuntarily.

2.       Sales Period

     a.       Clients must pay the full balance al all event charges before ticket sales will begin

     b.      All tickets sales are conducted online.

     c.       All tickets are general admission.

3.       Ticket Sales Revenue

     a.       Clients may choose to have the revenue collected from ticket sales returned to them in the form of a campus KFS or ISR account transfer or a State of Maryland Check.

          i.            The Stamp does not provide cash payment of ticket revenue.

          ii.            The ticket revenue collection option cannot be changed once ticket sales have begun.

          iii.            For KFS and ISR account transfers, clients must provide the KFS or ISF number before ticket sales will begin.

          iv.            For State of Maryland checks, clients must submit a signed federal W9 form, including  a non-university mailing address, Federal Tax ID number, and a signature, before ticket sales will begin.

          v.            State of Maryland Check require a minimum of 30 business days of processing before it will be mailed from the State of Maryland in Annapolis.

     b.      All ticket transactions are final.  The Stamp does not provide refunds or exchanges to patrons. It is the client’s responsibility to refund money to ticket purchasers.

              i. Stamp will only refund transactions if the event is cancelled.

     c.       It is the client’s responsibility to complete and submit the Admissions and Amusement Tax Notice to Comptroller form to the Comptroller of the State of Maryland.  


1.       The Stamp is not responsible for personal or organizational items left unattended.

2.       Personal items left in a room associated with an authorized scheduled event will be forwarded to the Stamp Lost and Found immediately after the event. 

3.       Items such as supplies, equipment or props will be removed for the room and stored, based upon storage availability, for one business day.  Items not claimed will be disposed.   


The official University policy regarding the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces 


Especially during the winter months, weather may cause unexpected changes in normal operation for the University and/or Stamp. These weather policies will also be used if there are other campus emergencies that impact the operations of campus and/or Stamp:

  • If the University and/or Stamp is closed all events scheduled in the Stamp and other Stamp managed spaces will be cancelled.  All offices and services inside Stamp will also be closed.
  • If there is a delayed opening, all events scheduled in the Stamp and Stamp managed spaces will start one (1) hour after the campus is open/classes begin.  
  • If there is an early closing,  all events in the Stamp and Stamp managed spaces will end one (1) hour before the early closing for the day. 
  • If you have an event scheduled and you have any concerns about weather impacting your event, please contact your Event Coordinator in advance.

If you are hosting an event outside, you must have plan for getting event participants to safety if there is dangerous weather (thunderstorms, tornadoes).

If you hear thunder there is always a possibility of lighting. When thunder roars, go indoors. You should stay indoors for at least 30 minutes and/or until after the storm has passes. 



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